I'm wondering if I should bug report the following:
So last night, our guild's timer was up for completing the Shroud raid. So as stated in the forums, we put in ticket for manual reset.
/break....actually going to throw in some props to the CSR's for they hooked me up in about 15 min....../break
So, +Sparker resets my quest (which is kinda funny since it says "quest bestowed by: +Sparker", but that's not what's important), and I'm able to enter the quest......
checking my Quest Favor log shows nothing named "The Thirteenth Eclipse" or "The Shroud" or anything.
Now one of my guildees says, "check one of your other toons, they'll have it." Didn't get a chance to go thru 9 characters last night, but.....
Has anyone else experienced this?
Is this why the quest timer was bugged? (the completion got assigned to another toon on my account?)
Was it because a senior GM reset it?
It's eating at me at work today, so if anyone has any info to put my troubled mind at ease......I'd surely appreciate it.
P.S. how much was it worth anyway?