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  1. #1
    Community Member rosu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default LTT: Yellow Taper

    Made this by mistake looking to trade it for a blue taper or components to make one: Fungi, Pebbles, Twig, Funk
    FYI Yellow is used to make shortsword, morningstar, great crossbow, and longbow.

    Also, made a green steel helmet, would trade it for green steel khopesh or components to make one. Saving you the cost of energy orbs.
    Robotussin, Hatredy, Sco, Adolfo, Whompo, Basstardo
    Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean ? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind.

  2. #2
    Community Member rosu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    helm traded...still looking to trade yellow taper, will trade for either: Blue Taper, Ore of T., or Wondrous Oil.
    Robotussin, Hatredy, Sco, Adolfo, Whompo, Basstardo
    Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean ? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind.

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