Banishers - Rapiers/Short swords/Daggers
Smiters - Bastard swords/Kukris/Scimitars/Long swords
Will entertain any offers of the following Greater Banes:
Giant/Evil Outsider/Undead/Goblinoid - Prefer the weapon types above to include Repeaters and Dwarven Axes
+1 Ghost Touched Short bow of Pure Good
+1 Paralyzing Bastard Sword of Vertigo
+1 Paralyzing Light Mace of Shatter
+2 Paralyzing hand axe of Shatter (RR Human)
+1 Vorpal Bastard sword of Tendon Slice
+1 Vorpal Bastard sword of Righteous
+1 Banishing Composite Longbow of Deception
+1 Frost Longbow of Disruption
+1 Holy Burst Great sword of Maiming
+1 Paralyzing Light pick of Deception (RR Drow)
+1 Banishng Heavy Crossbow of Maiming
+1 Acid Light hammer of Smiting
+1 Shock Heavy Crossbow of Smiting
+1 Banishing Shortbow of Everbright
+1 Ghost Touched Heavy Crossbow of Disruption
+1 Paralyzing Great Crossbow of Lesser Vermin Bane
+6 Intelligence Goggles
Ghost Waning Cloak - +3 Resistance / +3 Charisma
Gloves of Forgotten Craft – +13 Disable Device, +3 Dex, Weapon Focus: Thrown Weapons
Docent of Quickening - +4, 25% Striding, 10% Melee/Ranged Alacrity (increases attack speed)
Black Dragon Helm - +5 Dex, 1 Charge Black Dragon Bolt
Deathblock Robe of Invulnerability (2)
Not a lot I know, but if you see something let me know.