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Thread: Human Sorcerer

  1. #1
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    Default Human Sorcerer

    I have been considering making a human sorcerer for level 16. I have never tried a sorcerer before, but I do have a wizard. Please comment on my starting stats and feat choices. I will probably decide on what spells I want as I go along. I am not sure what makes a good spell list for a sorcerer, so comments on that will be helpful.

    Human Sorcerer - Level 16

    STR 8 +1 tome +5 gloves or bracers for 14
    DEX 8
    CON 17 + 1 tome +6 item for 24 (later +2 tome and +1 human adaptability for 26)
    INT 11 +1 tome = 12 (allows concentration, jump, UMD, haggle)
    WIS 8
    CHA 18 +2 tome +6 item +3 class enhancement +4 levels +1 human adapability = 34

    Feats: MT, Extend, Empower, Maximize, Spell Penetration, Heighten, Greater Spell Penetration

    I expect to take similar enhancements to my wizard's enhancements. Spell penetration and fire/ice will be primary with lightning/acid damage getting as much attention as I can afford with what remains.

    I plan to take both FoD and PK with enervation to support them. I will take banishment and mass suggestion mostly for the mod 6 content. Based on playing a wizard, I think that jump, resist and protection from elements, and d door will all be required. Tumble will be nice if I can make it fit. The usual damage spells such as cone of cold, firewall, disintegrate and ball lightning are probably required.

    I switch around my spells so much as a wizard that I am really not sure about any of my spell choices.
    Last edited by Hadrian; 02-11-2008 at 09:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Founder adamkatt's Avatar
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    I think we humans are stuck with a starting max cha of 18 .
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  3. #3
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamkatt View Post
    I think we humans are stuck with a starting max cha of 18 .
    Yeah. That was a typo that I edited and fixed the moment I posted it though. The plan is to see if I can make an item from the Shroud that goes up to +9 for a stat like some of those we've seen posted. 34 as an absolute base with a possible 38 if I manage to not only pull off the +9 item but a +3 tome as well.

  4. #4
    Community Member bobbryan2's Avatar
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    Personally... I'd say you don't need the strength, nor do you need the haggle and jump. My starting human sorcs' stats:


    I think it's the first character I haven't regretted where I allotted a single point.

  5. #5
    Community Member Line-dog's Avatar
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    I have a human sorc13 and I enjoy playing him _so_ much. He is no squishy with 22 con and 180 HP unbuffed. I wand False Life and Aid giving me 204 HP. With level 14 and Argonnessen favor it should be 200 HP before buffs.

    Starting stats:

    +1 feat
    +1 Charisma enh
    +1 Constitution enh
    +1 skill point per level
    Skill boost enh for raise dead scroll and selling/buying

    Enough skill points to max Concentration, Diplo., Haggle and UMD. I always have jump spell up so no points in there. 8 str is no problem for carrying loot - there are too many workarounds to put points in str. IMO shockingrasp is overlooked for low to mid level play. I used it and _loved_ it. With an enhancement item that is easy to come by for a level one spell you will kill stuff way before it even realizes its dead.

    This character has been my favorite by far.

    Good luck
    Smoking Gun of Thelanis

    Quote Originally Posted by EinarMal View Post
    You could put 6 Ranger on a clod of dirt and it would be pretty decent DPS...

  6. #6
    Community Member Darkdominion's Avatar
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    My advice? Drop Mental toughness for something like Spell Focus: Necromancy, or Force of Personality.
    Spell focus gives you that extra edge on your FoD, and Force of Personality gives a very large bonus to will saves, while at the same time freeing up an equipment slot which would normally be used be a wisdom item.

    Even with just a Magi item (+100 sp, 200 for sorcs), you should be able to hit 2k sp without MT, which is usually enough for a quest. MT just doesn't seem to outweigh the other possible benefits these days.

    If you're really crazy you could try Skill Focus: UMD, as you could probably hit around 30 UMD with it, and the golden cartouche or other umd item. Which means 95% on CSW wands, and use of rez scrolls.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fel Whisper
    You, sir, are an evil genius.

  7. #7
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    I don't understand what you mean by saying that I don't need the strength. I am starting with 8 strength. The reason I wear an item and take a tome is to avoid being made helpless by ray of enfeeblement or basic str damage, but it's not costing my build anything.


    As a human I can boost up UMD even further. I am looking forward to that.

    I do have a tome page set waiting, so I will have a skiver for +400 SPs.

  8. #8
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    Nice build Hadrian. I wish I'd done that ability score distribution. The extra skill points will definitely be useful for diplo, UMD and haggle.

    I agree with Dark as well. You'll have oodles of SP even without MT. Leave it open for SF: necro (for fear, FoD etc) or FoP as Dark suggests.
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