Im looking for three unique items to max out my rogue/ranger.

I need :

disease immunity necklace of +5 protection
poison immune ring of greater false life
daggertooth belt
fanged gloves

here is what I have to trade :

+1 para hvy pick of +1 backstabbing (lv12)

+1 holy burst dagger of pure good (lv10)
+5 seeker +2 kama of pure good (lv12)
+5 holy hvy repeater of +1 backstabbig (lv12 L rr elf)
+2 holy burst longsword (lv8 : rr halfling)

+5 frost club of pure good (lv12)
+4 frost morningstar of lesser vermin bane (lv10)
+2 flaming light repeater of pure good (lv6)
+5 acid morningstar (lv10)

+1 true law hvy mace of greater evil outsider bane (lv8)
+3 crippling hvy mace of greater evil outsider bane (lv12)
+2 seeking (+4) warhammer of greater vermin bane (lv12)

+3 cursespewing light mace of rightousness (level 12)

+4 lesser fire guard padded armor of invulnerability (lv14)

underwater action necklace of +4 protection (lv13)
+5 wisdom necklace of +3 bluff (lv13)
+1 cha cloak of +4 resistance (lv13)
+1 cha ring of +4 resistance (lv13)
+5 con ring of sr 13 (rr : halfling lv13)
+5 con ring of +3 balance (lv13)
poison immune necklace of +4 protection (rr : wf lv13)
disease immune belt of greater false life (lv13)
disease immune of hvy fort (lv13)
spiked turban (lv11) <+3 pro and +3 saves>
mantle of dragonfriend (lv13) <+5 cha and +7 diplo>
cloak of 5 solid fog charges (lv11)
blindness warding ring of +10 spot (lv13)
blindness warding ring of +11 search (rr : halfing lv13)
+1 int google of +13 spot (rr : human lv13)
+20&#37; striding boots of +3 jump (lv11) x 3
+6 str belt (rr : wf lv11)

other items I am interested in :

+* shocking burst kukri of pure good (any rr)
elemental and holy burst rapier/shortsword/daggers of pure good (or maiming) (any rr)
+6 con necklace
+6 wisdom necklace and +6 con ring <OR +6 wis ring and +6 con necklace>
1k and 5k valued gemstones of mass quantities
shield fragments (need two complete sets)