Firewall, Dim Door, Solid Fog and stoneskin . Wouldn't consider trading any of them out...ever.
Firewall, Dim Door, Solid Fog and stoneskin . Wouldn't consider trading any of them out...ever.
Ravensguard zerx,zerxi,zerxis,zmonk,kieras,varga,oregz
Not even for PK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Really?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Actually if they ever bring DDoor scrolls back, I'll get Stone Skin then. 'Til then DDoor has proven to be more useful than I ever thought it would be. When my sorc six sense tells me we're close to a party wipe, I throw a ddoor up, and immediately you see the whole party taking itBack to sqaure one, shrine (if possible) go back where you left off. Makes Tor elite scale runs much, much, much easier....mostly if you have the bad fortune to get a Zerg/Spazz in the group.
Last edited by toord; 03-05-2008 at 02:14 PM.
That is because he is still learning how to play his Sorc. I would never trade out Jump, Displacement, and Haste. These are the most defining spells between good casters and bad casters...I gaurantee you.
Edit, DD is great for solo play and has a few uses elsewhere but not really a spell I would call mandatory.
Last edited by apious1; 03-05-2008 at 02:08 PM.
GUILD: {Officer of Oblivion} SERVER: {Resident of Ghallanda} CHARACTERS: {Sonyaa Red: Barbarian} {Oynx the Magnificent: Barbarian} {Sonyaaa Blue: Sorcerer} {Krowd Kontrol: Sorcerer} {Ravick : Wizard} {Fourgotten Soldier: Fighter/Paladin} {Mischief: Rogue} {Parra Medic: Cleric}
Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
A r n y a - T o r c h e - S l i m m - D e b t - E p o x y - R e t r o g r a d e - P i n e t r e eNOW YOU WILL KNOW TRUE POWER
All the spells you listed are great spells that have huge advantages...that is the fun of being a Sorc, it is so hard to choose and honestly 4th level spells are the best spells of all the levels. I think I would keep PK is cheap and effective when you learn who it works good against.
GUILD: {Officer of Oblivion} SERVER: {Resident of Ghallanda} CHARACTERS: {Sonyaa Red: Barbarian} {Oynx the Magnificent: Barbarian} {Sonyaaa Blue: Sorcerer} {Krowd Kontrol: Sorcerer} {Ravick : Wizard} {Fourgotten Soldier: Fighter/Paladin} {Mischief: Rogue} {Parra Medic: Cleric}
GUILD: {Officer of Oblivion} SERVER: {Resident of Ghallanda} CHARACTERS: {Sonyaa Red: Barbarian} {Oynx the Magnificent: Barbarian} {Sonyaaa Blue: Sorcerer} {Krowd Kontrol: Sorcerer} {Ravick : Wizard} {Fourgotten Soldier: Fighter/Paladin} {Mischief: Rogue} {Parra Medic: Cleric}
TBH There's nothing worth swapping Fireshield for.
Especially when I can get over 3 minutes of damage-halving goodness from the one spell.
Oh, and it gets real hard to dodge DBFs with insane lag while trying to cast spells too...
A r n y a - T o r c h e - S l i m m - D e b t - E p o x y - R e t r o g r a d e - P i n e t r e eNOW YOU WILL KNOW TRUE POWER