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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by amysrevenge View Post
    Ummmm... take the 10 seconds, and get nekkid before you /death - no repair bill. :P

    Take 5 seconds, teleport to Portable hole, just /death from there, no getting naked, no bill :-)
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  2. #42
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    It's worth not having to buy scrolls for running other quests where its very useful to have, like TF, ADQ, etc.

  3. #43
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    Last night I found out that DD becomes a double-edge sword when doing vale quests since some of the red-named enemies are smart and evil enough to chase you through them. I naively threw one when I saw couple of party members died, everybody else's health bar REALLY low and no healer on duty. Everyone still alive clicked it. We thought we were safe. No such luck. Two of the devils took the ddoor too and killed the rest of us We had to rez out to Meridia and make the rather perilous run to the dungeon's entrance and finish them up.


    P.S.: and oh yeah those f'ers broke my +6 CHA item so none of my spells were hitting them.
    Last edited by toord; 02-14-2008 at 11:10 AM.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hadrian View Post
    Enervation is excellent for bringing something that is difficult to insta-kill down to a much easier level. 2 enervations can be as few as 2 or as many as 8 negative levels.
    You can buy Enervation scrolls though and since there is no save its a great alternative for Sorcerers.

  5. #45
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toord View Post
    Last night I found out that DD becomes a double-edge sword when doing vale quests since some of the red-named enemies are smart and evil enough to chase you through them. I naively threw one when I saw couple of party members died, everybody else's health bar REALLY low and no healer on duty. Everyone still alive clicked it. We thought we were safe. No such luck. Two of the devils took the ddoor too and killed the rest of us We had to rez out to Meridia and make the rather perilous run to the dungeon's entrance and finish them up.
    If they were Orthons or Bearded Devils, they didn't take your DD. They simply teleported.
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  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    If they were Orthons or Bearded Devils, they didn't take your DD. They simply teleported.
    Rat evil outsider bastards! Whatever they did it was pretty clever and evil for sure.


  7. #47
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avonwey View Post
    You can buy Enervation scrolls though and since there is no save its a great alternative for Sorcerers.
    But you'll never get pass anything's SR using scrolls.
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  8. #48
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaga Nub View Post
    But you'll never get pass anything's SR using scrolls.
    Agreed. I have been scrolling it and it is not as effective in the vale as it was in the orchard.

  9. #49
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oreg View Post
    Agreed. I have been scrolling it and it is not as effective in the vale as it was in the orchard.

    yep.. and generally the monsters you need to enervate in the first place because of there high saves, also have high SR.. Making the scroll option veyr limited..

    Tho still works for the odd vale thing without sr, like earth elementals.

  10. #50
    Community Member Fennario's Avatar
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    Luckily I bought a ton of DD scrolls before they were taken out. That being said, I probably only use them when soloing mostly. A large percentage of the time there is usually either a bard or wizzy in the group, so I just let them cast it. If I am the only arcane in the group and its absolutely necessary, sure I'll burn a scroll. When they are finally all gone, I can't see myself dropping any of my other level 4 spells... they are all so useful to me.

  11. #51
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    I don't get it. It just seems like DDoor is a nice convenience but what makes it a spell that you would take over the other must haves? I can see maybe getting it when you swap out PK for FoD. Why would someone want to DDoor to the zone in and exiting instead of hitting recall?

  12. #52
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zartuul View Post
    I don't get it. It just seems like DDoor is a nice convenience but what makes it a spell that you would take over the other must haves? I can see maybe getting it when you swap out PK for FoD. Why would someone want to DDoor to the zone in and exiting instead of hitting recall?
    Because if you aren't finished, you don't want to recall out. You lose XP (20% hit/exit and return) and any items that are destroyed on exit get (you guessed it) destroyed upon recall. DDoor doesn't do any of that to you, just pops you to the beginning of the quest.
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  13. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by toord
    some of the red-named enemies are smart and evil enough to chase you through them
    If a Devil or Eladrin is aggroed on more than one thing (you and a party member, you and a pet, etc.) while it is teleporting it may randomly choose you as its newest hated victim and teleport to you as you dimension door. However, this is not an issue if you are alone.
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  14. #54
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default wizards can afford it

    most players will not expect you to choose this spell

    most wizards & some bards will have it

    if i have any scrolls i always use them with my sor

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackal912 View Post
    I keep on seeing over and over that dimension door is supposedly such an amazing spell, to the point where even /sorcerers/ - who have very few spells to choose from, consider it irreplaceable - What's with it? it saves you the few seconds you need to recall out, at the cost of a spell slot, sp, and reagents - or the short time it'd take to get back to the entrance - as an escape spell, it seems highly iffy, due to aforementioned cost, and it's really rather difficult to imagine getting most groups organized to use it as a method to avoid a wipe with any reliability whatsoever. What's with it's popularity?

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    Because if you aren't finished, you don't want to recall out. You lose XP (20% hit/exit and return) and any items that are destroyed on exit get (you guessed it) destroyed upon recall. DDoor doesn't do any of that to you, just pops you to the beginning of the quest.
    So does walking to the exit. Still not sure what is so big about DDoor other then a time saver.

  16. #56
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zartuul View Post
    So does walking to the exit. Still not sure what is so big about DDoor other then a time saver.
    Sometimes you can't walk to the exit.

    Sometimes you can't leave a room and you need to keep going, so the only option is DDoor.

    For example, Titan Raid, Green Puzzle side. DDoor moves it along much, much faster than making people sit around, locked in rooms.

    Also, running Wiz King just now, if a floor breaks out, it's a lot faster to DDoor than kill everything and pull the levers (since some of the rooms respawn mobs constantly).
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  17. #57
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    Until they bring DD scrolls back, it is a MUST for pugging sorcs. Groups _REALLY_ appreciate it even on slayer areas. Now, if you're a hard-core guildie, then you can have someone else (Wiz, bard or fellow Sorc) to get it.


  18. #58
    Community Member Yajerman01's Avatar
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    Default my coppers

    Well I for one have stoneskin, FW, D-Door and PK, although im about ready to dump pk and pick up either fireshield or solid fog.

    Why D-Door? I think its a no brainer - 1. if your in trouble its nice to loop to the front and exit or perhaps you skipped a shrine that you didnt use and can get back to it quicker from the front, got D?, sure some of the new content that has creatures follow you through (so ive heard but never experienced), but that is in the vale - not anywhere else.

    2. It helps soloing with my sorc a lot, have you ever triggered the beholders on vons 2 and tried to pk or finger when thier looking at you? doesnt happen unless your lucky enough to get a cast off before he spell blocks you. Simply toss a d-door, trigger the beholder and sneak back and insta-kill them.

    3. Some rooms lock up after you enter, got D?,

    4. Sometimes end battles are very tuff and sometimes before you know it, your out of mana, got D?

    5. I pressume they got all the glitches of getting stuck out, but what if someone is stuck, Got D?

    6. If you think tossing haste and running back to the begginning because you forgot to pick something up along the way is quicker, think again.

    7. Ever want to goof with people and tell them to run through it just to screw them up when they didnt need to jump through? Good laughs!

    The list can go on and on, but I live by D-door and if you still dont get it, then ill have to assume you dont have a sorc/wiz high enough to understand. And if you do have a high level sorc and still dont get it, then there is nothing I can say to help you any further.
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  19. #59
    Community Member nbhs275's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    DD allows quick travel in many quests. It's quite situational, I'll agree, but it works well.

    Titan, Green puzzle can be solo'd with DD. (I do it all the time.)
    VoN4 can be duoed easily with DD and someone to stand at the lever to let you in/out a few times. Or go with a full group and only send one person to one side to pull the lever and DD out.
    VoN5, DDing from either side after finishing a puzzle or getting Otto's ring.

    Realistically now, it's just a timesaver. I'm sure people have come up with entertaining ways to exploit it, but at its core it's just a huge timesaver for those of us who are trying to finish things fast.
    LMAO, von 4 can be soloed by anyone with haste and a shield clickie, i hate to tell you.
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  20. #60
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nbhs275 View Post
    LMAO, von 4 can be soloed by anyone with haste and a shield clickie, i hate to tell you.
    Yes, this is true. Just giving out options as not everyone has a plethora of Shield clickies to last through one quest.
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