I have struggled with this and thus not dropped pk yet. I do toggle FoD and banishment and PK actually sets on a secondary bar now. Just haven't pulled the trigger to dump it. I am sure I will one of these days.
I have struggled with this and thus not dropped pk yet. I do toggle FoD and banishment and PK actually sets on a secondary bar now. Just haven't pulled the trigger to dump it. I am sure I will one of these days.
Yeah..my cleric can DD.
I was going to switch out the dragonmark feat but was talked out of it...
And the meridia recall bug is eaily fixed.
1.) Ask someone to stay in at end of quest.
2.) Have everyone else recall once and re enter quest.
3.) Have the guy that stayed at the end recall once and re enter.
4.) Everyone leave through the front door.
5.) Everyone recall to meridia.
With dd it is a litttle easier
1.) cast DD and have everyone use it.
2.) leave through the front door.
3.) recall once.
The fighter teleport...ouch
1.) everyone who is bound in meridia type /death.
So in essence..the easiest, fastest way for those demanding you carry DD is for them to type /death.
So much less time consuming. and being able to teleport on your own? with no UMD?....Priceless!!!(and pricey repair bill)
I used to be one of those who didn't pay much attention to ddoor; however, I pug quite a bit and it's almost expected casters to have both ddoor and haste. Thus, I took both haste and ddoor as soon as I could (lvl 11, I think). After having it I can say that it is situational...BUT...it can save the whole party from a wipe (already done this twice), it can save XP and loot (TBF, for instance) for not exiting the quest. I think it definitely deserves a spell slot and the 25 SPs.
My PK hits quite alot... Not sure what problem you are having.
Wall of Fire, PK, Enervate, Solid Fog (this is back in style and helps a ton)
You can wand stoneskin now.. don't need that anymore.
Fear is good and fire shield.
Ddoor is good.. but not a must really, I have it on my wiz but not my sorc.
i use dd a lot and i also use pk and finger a lot too. i have noticed that generally finger hits slightly more often for me.
with that said remember that nearly everything has sr now and it is far easier to get a greater spell pen 4 item then any higher one.
so when it comes to the new content on elite my finger and and pk kill about the same. yes i have a spell pen 7 item i carry to, but i also where the DQ necklace. so yeah its only 1 more on my sp roll, but my pk (not hightened) now hits more often.
in the end it kinda depends on your play style, and for me i use dd so much (no exploiting) that it would make a difference if the scrolls were around. they removed all the scrolls that made a real change to the abilities of a class. you might argue then why not heal scrolls, but a scroll can never do as much as the real spell and it would put a major cripple on clerics.
at this point there is no point trying to get it changed back, since it is pretty much set in stone now.
Last edited by pcgammerm; 02-11-2008 at 02:18 PM.
If you always do what you always did, then you will be condemned to get what you always got......
The longer I play this game, the more appealing DD, teleport and GT become... but I'm still not going to slot them on my sorc to save peoples XPPM (XP Per Minute) or so that they don't need to recall or run. That's just lazy. Most people spend 10 minutes mucking around at the end of a quest anyway. Whats an extra 2 minutes to recall or ghetto teleport?
Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.
I'm the freak sorc with DD, Teleport and Fireshield.
DD: soloing and speeding things up ie: VON2 collect daggers, DD, get blossom, DD, get maze etc, DD.
Teleport: Quick exit from trouble, fast travel, travel to meridia - tele to portable hole then /death while everyone is still recalling out of the quest
Fireshield: Read the description.... HALVES fire/cold damage. AFAIK this is applied BEFORE protection or resist energy
....And it's funny to watch CR7 mobs kill themselves trying to hit you![]()
A r n y a - T o r c h e - S l i m m - D e b t - E p o x y - R e t r o g r a d e - P i n e t r e eNOW YOU WILL KNOW TRUE POWER
Cannon fodder build The Stalwart Defender, Raid Tank
Worst Shroud PUG EVER!!!!!! Epic Fail (started 1/13/10, necro'd 3/9/10, 4/20/10, raised dead 3/ 9/11, necro'd 4/9/11, 5/28/11, fame petition necro 8/5/11, necro'd 9/30/11, KIA 10/3/11, True reincarnated famed (by cleric Cordovan) 10/4/11,
I like to solo. A lot. Dimension Door is an invaluable tool for a solo'er in many quests, and a great tool to get out of trouble in hairy situations. Otherwise just a time saver, but very handy all around.
Lets see in PnP D&D wizards have the ability to scribe scrolls and use those scrolls with out the use of using mana, thats is smart not cheating. Also wizards can brew potions to the same affect, no it is not cheating or a sign of weakness. In this games some have cried it cheating and unbalance, that wizards must use their mana, or it is not fair. That I or any one else should not be able to buy some scroll or items and do as they please. These are the same people that bought as much of wall of fire scrolls and now try to sale them at the auction for very inflated prices. These people are about holding others back for their benefit. They do not mind that they have 40 something strength, or con or dex or what ever. Again I am not saying that they should lose that ability because I am not like them. The Dvs are trying to say they are against the black market but they made it that way and know about it but all they do is limited us. I for one do not buy items at the auction or in their black markets. Aslo no matter how much the dvs nerf my toons I still do not group. Yes I know that means I will not do raids or the other quest like the arc bishoped or the demon sands, big deal! Now the ones that react to this post in a negative way are more likely to be doing the things they should not and yes their are some that post only for the reason of insulting people, I hope the Dvs take notices of those people. To the rest of you guys I wish you the best, Happy hunting, and I hope you find phat loot. As for my self it is time to move on because this game is about limiting and nerfing and I have found PnP group were I can scribe scrolls and yes make my own weapons of enchantment. Also the ablity to fly and spider climb is great only wished I could have seen it in this game but that is not meant to be
I wouldn't take it, lvl4 spells are aweomse and so hard to pick cuz theres so many awesome ones:
Bestow curse - great debuff, unlimited duration and almost nothing is imune to it. I used to curse + pk all the time, almost never failed.
Burning blood - pretty uber since it has no real save and offer continuous no-miss dmg
Charm - some ppl like it..
Contagion - another excellent often ignore debuff. Perfect for desert caravan and other defend style quests. But bosses are imune to it so less often used.
Enervation - sometimes the ONLY sp-efficient way to bring down a mob.. enervate + pk excellent low mana combo.
Fear - ok crowd control, not a fan myself but some like it.
Force missles - best iressitable dmg u can get.. Just about the only decne tthing to use on the pit fiend.
PK - must have spell.. 25 sp and the mobs dead, cant beat that.
Solid fog - excellent red named debuff
Stoneskin - excellent defense spell
Wall of fire - best offensive spell
Fire Shield - often very underrated spell, saves my butt so often. Straight required if you wanan beat arraetrikos and stay alive doing, well you can sub in constant fire protects - but that cost a ton more mana and few can remember to cast it after every hit.. Scrolls last 40 seconds, spell lasts 3:12.. I never seen anyone successfully scroll themselves continously thru arraetrikos or the abbot.. Usually when u wanna do it u got the heal scroll cooldown to wait for and sometimes 6 seconds is all it takes to get killed.
Plus its just a great way to reduce the dmg u take in most quests, as fire/cold dmg is the most common ull get hit with. And doubles as a offensive spell when u wanna melee some stuff. Must have imo.
Let the wizard cast ddoor in quests that call for it, thats there job.. Quest specific spells.