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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default quick Q on Barb power attack

    I need to know if it affects Bows as if they are a 2 handed weapon

    can someone please verify this!

    I am thinking of building a barb bow user!



    ****, just realised if might be a difficult one to answer seeing as you would need a lvl of ranger to get bow strength.

    anyway, my build idea is for a Drow barb 15 with 1 lvl of ranger for bow strength.

    max str and dex and barb power attack if it works with a bow.

    Drow also get a nice + to ranged attack and damage,

    so depending on how many feats etc I can fit he would be a raging Bow user and heavy pick for melee.

    any thoughts?

    I would think with the raged strength modifier working with bow strength then he would do a heap of damage.

    only problem is trying to fit in the feats.
    Last edited by Betz; 02-10-2008 at 09:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    You read the sentence about two-handed weapons, but the answer you seek is in the first sentence.
    Power Attack
    While using Power Attack mode, you trade up to 5 of your attack bonus for that much extra damage on melee attacks.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    ty for the reply,

    am at work researching a build with no access to the game

    how do you think the 15/1 build would go? I should be able to get a 16-20 crit range with a bow and even without the power attack bonus a huge strength bonus for damage when raging

    I fear I will run out of feats tho

  4. #4
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    A 15/1 barb/ranger build will work fine. Just make him like any regular str based barbarian but start a bit more dex and a bit less con.

    IE 18 str 14 dex 14 con or so would work.

    Just don't heavily focus on ranged combat. All you really need is rapid shot. Rest should be melee feats as thats where a barbarian excells. By merely having an ok dex and bow str you will do excellent ranged damage as well.

    16-20 crit range? hmm no dont think thats right.

    You could get a regular bow, 20/x3, imprv crit range, 19-20/x3 - and crit rage II - 17-20/x3.
    OR silver bow - 19-20/x3 impr crit, 17-20/x3 - and crit rage II - 15-20/x3

    The other option is 2 ranger levels as that will give you rapid shot for free... But if you do that you risk losing future barbarian features such as tireless rage if they pop the lvl cap up to 18 soon (its granted for lvl17 barbarians)

  5. #5
    Community Member Westerner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Betz View Post
    how do you think the 15/1 build would go? I should be able to get a 16-20 crit range with a bow and even without the power attack bonus a huge strength bonus for damage when raging

    I fear I will run out of feats tho
    It's an interesting concept. I've seen a couple build attempts in the ranger forum, but I think they're still unproven. The question I'd ask is whether barb rage can be a game-changer on ranged DPS.
    Torgomund 17/1 Rngr/Rog . . Thundorf 16/2/2 Bard/Ftr/Barb . . Zarron 10/2 Wiz/Rog
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  6. #6
    Community Member brshelton's Avatar
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    My guild leader (Hellmarked/Flatlined) has a 13/2/1 Barb/Rogue/Ranger. The guild would be Blacklist. Its a good build and does good damage. I BELIEVE his weapon of choice is a W/P bow or Silver Longbow until he gets Unwavering Ardency (which hes obssessed with beating it so...). It can be a good build.

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