Back before Mod 5 (and 4), these forums were full of posters complaining that the game was too easy, too boring, and not keeping their attention.

Mod 5 was the response, and I in fact recall a DEV post saying "if you think things are too easy don't worry we're upping the challenge on teh Mod 5 raid".

Of course, Mod 5 raid comes out and everyone screams its too hard. It may be - I've never run it.

Now, we're seeing all kinds of complaints that Elite is "too hard", that it alienates "casual" players (which is kind of the point of having an "elite" when you think about it), etc. etc.

Mod6 however went far towards making the game more "casual" frinedly by making normal much easier.

Anyway ... my suggestion is this: Rename Elite. Call it something that doesn't imply that its "better". Call it Twitch. Call it "Modified Rules". Call it anything.

Perhaps then we won't experience the onslaught of sour grapes that "zomg I can't run elite" or "elite is too hard" or "elite took 5 hours (?!?) to complete quest [x]".