I'm new to D&D online, but Played it in the 80's when it was popular.

I started a cleric, and enjoyed the game as a new cleric up until the last couple of days. I have actually only been playing a bit more than a week.

My Cleric is level 7 and I was invited to a group to do the Arena. All through the run to the arena some were asking:
How are we going to kill this guy, does anyone have a strategy, but no one answered.

When we got in the arena we did great until the last mob who pretty much wore us out. During the wipe, one of the guys asked me over audio; dont you have any Rez Scrolls. I actually thought you only received Rez at level 9 and didnt realize or think about buying rez scrolls and up to this point no one has ever asked me.

So I told them I would buy one or 2 if it would help. When I started to purchase them, I noticed that they were over 7k plat apiece, so I'm thinking, I buy 6 or 7 of these for 49k plat (which is how many it would have taken at the rate we were dying) - which would have cleaned me out financially, and then go back and start using them on people that are dying pretty quick, using no strategy to defeat the boss: I thought that it really didnt make much sense, especially since our last fight which lasted about 5 minutes, I used up all my power trying to keep the casters alive, and the mob was still about 4/5 health when we wiped.

I told the group nicely that I didnt think it was a good idea to spend all that money unless we came up with a good strategy, and unless everyone wanted to pitch in.

The comments I received were; you sure picked the wrong class if you didnt want to spend Money, and another rude comment of some sort. I started thinking, Dam. I spend all this money on Wands, Potions, and Healing Scrolls, The groups I use them on have no strategy's for killing Boss's, no one even buys potions to top their health off, they all just expect me to provide everything financially necessary, and they don't even need to supply a strategy.

This was the first time I actually looked at the game and said, Hum. I really like playing my cleric, but people sure have some misqued expectations. Or are only people that have level 16 mains suposed to be a Cleric as they are the only ones that can afford the class.