Last edited by gpk; 02-15-2008 at 01:56 PM.
In the case of gpk's weapons you should get...
vs. Evil aligned
2d6 (holy)
1d6 (pure good from good burst)
4d6 (good burst)
vs. Neutral aligned
0d6 (holy)
1d6 (pure good from good burst)
4d6 (good burst)
Intuitively, yes. But, according to the specific item description (which I believe was copy/pasted and inaccurately edited from Holy Burst) you should get:
vs. Evil aligned
2d6 (holy)
1d6 (pure good from good burst)
4d6 (good burst)
vs. Neutral aligned
0d6 (holy)
1d6 (pure good from good burst)
0d6 (good burst)
But, here's what you actually get:
vs. Evil aligned
2d6 (holy)
0d6 (pure good from good burst)
4d6 (good burst)
vs. Neutral aligned
0d6 (holy)
0d6 (pure good from good burst)
4d6 (good burst)
Last edited by Mad_Bombardier; 02-15-2008 at 04:42 PM.
What about if you combine 2 elementals, does that work?
IE Flaming + Flaming burst maul
Do you get d6 + d6 + (on crit) 2d10?
or just d6 + 2d10?
It's 1d6+1d6+xd10, even with the same element and burst.
If we based it on how the acid line is working then you would get 1d6 from weapons acid effect + 1d6 from weapons acid effect + 2d10 from weapons acid burst effect.
970 sp and counting
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Can I have a +5 Transmuting Greensteel holy burst of pure good burst scimitar
come on.... pllzzzzzzzz.
2 years has gotta count for something.
It's pretty simple.. the only thing broken is that the pure good burst is not giving it's *always on* 1d6 damage. For me everything else has been working as it should.
I have bug reported this in game.. I suggest those with the same problem do the same.
Assuming that this gets fixed in a future you think that it will be retroactive to ones already crafted, or am I going to have to go through all that agian?
I just wish they would clarify. If its good burst and good blast it should work against all non-good. I don't want to craft an item that only works against evil. If thats the case I'll stick to the acid route.
To game developers, "particle effect" means the visual effect that puts a whitish flame on the weapon. It has no impact on the same inflicted, and is graphical only.
Note that DDO's weapon particle effects have been buggy since module 6, and make everything more ugly. So the WDA is real saying that a bunch of Green Steel swords are about to become ugly shiskabobs.
so you're upset because it's missing the 1d6 good damage that the description shows?
Last edited by Yuhjn; 02-20-2008 at 06:52 PM.