The title says it all.
Rangers got it for improved precise shot.
Rogues should have it for sneak attack.
When you are trying to banish or vorpal or just not draw aggro and do so much damage you should have the option of not sneak attacking. I really enjoy the new content a lot, but running the spider quest last night I could barely attack anything for fear of killing them so I just sat around while the sorcerers fingered everything. Meanwhile in the eladrin stronghold I died 4 times because no one else in the party could do anywhere near as much damage as me to the whirling displaced elves. I would have much preferred to just concentrate on vorpaling or debuffing but all I got was aggro and beatdown from light ray spam.
From what I can tell rangers got the toggle because they were drawing too much aggro and could not control their tactics. Why do rogues continue to get so little dev love? Having tactical variety is something that I think should be encouraged, especially in such an oft maligned class like the rogue.