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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Raging Rodian! View Post
    Not really. If, as we were discussing, Wizards in DDO had to memorize spells instead of casting on the fly the upside would be faster metamagics and equal casting time on regular spells. That's a 3.5 Wizard perk. They also should get specializations, which greatly narrows the gap in spells per day between Wizards and Sorcerers. And, as I already stated, there are also other balance benefits. There is a bigger picture here.

    Problem being of course that we started out with spell points so we are kinda stuck with them.
    With the number of mobs in a module memo wouldnt work game is based on us being able to cast many more times the spells then a pnp character can. And you idea of wizards memoing spells would weaken them even more.

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  2. #62
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkyCry View Post
    How many feats does an average character have? How many spells does a sorcerer have? Go figure...
    The comparison to feats is apt though.. changing spells requires re-arranging a sorcerer's brain.

    Seems like you'd be happier with a wizard. Man up and roll one. Surely, that's a better solution than unbalancing the entire game so you can fix your spell list.
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  3. #63
    Community Member Invalid_86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska d'Orien View Post
    With the number of mobs in a module memo wouldnt work game is based on us being able to cast many more times the spells then a pnp character can. And you idea of wizards memoing spells would weaken them even more.

    Note earlier where I mentioned being able to balance the quests. If we had the amount of spells we should per day we'd need to have less total monsters (with more sensible hit points) BUT each spell would be effective on its own, no need for piles of items and enhancements to make them useful. Blanket immunities would be a thing of the past, and each spell cast would have a real effect on combat. Also it would encourage more tactics, as you game plan can't be just casting Wall of Fire over and over. That's pretty cool.

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