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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Baseline WF Battle Cleric

    First WF character for me, decided to try out Bladesworn Transformation. I see many a thread with "complete builds" that include mutliple +3 tomes, elite gear, +5, and +6 items abound.

    How about something different, take the approach of a player who maybe has 1 or 2 days a week to game, and lets throw in a 32 point build option. Take into consideration typical drops for weapons, and how would you make an enjoyable build for the "part timer" player?

    My beginning stats:

    STR 16 (+3)
    DEX 11 (+0)
    CON 13 (+1)
    INT 8 (-1)
    WIS 17 (+3)
    CHA 6 (-2)

    I get the overview, Clerics want high WIS for SP and Spell Effect, the battle side of the house needs STR for BaB and CON to stay on the front lines. I pretty much dumped CHR and INT, didn't see a need for it with this build. I didn't want to get a -1 on my Dex bonus, raised it to 0 just to be neutral.

    I thought about taking a lvl of fighter, get an extra feat and all. I saw some Pally options, with Smite, seemed pretty good. Since I never multi-classed before, it does intimidate me a bit, just thinking of all the ways I can gimp a toon unknowingly.

    So set aside all the "epic" stuff and such, how would you build a good mainline BattleCleric?

  2. #2


    My personal Warforged "Battle Cleric" is as follows:

    14 Cleric / 1 Paladin

    STR 16
    DEX 11
    CON 16
    INT 8
    WIS 15
    CHA 6

    Skill points go towards concentration

    Adamantine Armor
    Power Attack
    Improved Crit: Bludgeoning (choose another type if that fits your fancy, he enjoys his Warhammers)

    It looks quite similar to yours. I simply valued CON a bit more than a completely maxed WIS.
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  3. #3
    Community Member esoitl's Avatar
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    with WF your max starting WIS is 16

    i might start with Str over Con if your wanting to tank it, WF will get Con bonuses and unless you splash fighter lvls or get tomes your Str adjustments is up the lvls and items

    Str 16
    Dex 10
    Con 15
    Int 8
    Wis 16
    Cha 6

    may want to drop Wis to a 15 and go either 13 Dex or 16 Con depending on your play style

  4. #4
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    I choose a level of fighter, so I'm 4/1 Cleric/Fighter right now.

    I'm going with Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave and Bladesword Trans to see how that works. I think it will be a pretty good

    I went back and forth with CON and STR stats, decided to go heavy on WIS and STR, use WF CON Bonuses, maybe + tome...

  5. #5
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    I'd stay away from Paladin if you are WF. You need to spend too much on Charisma to get any significant benefit from Pal levels. That makes Clr15/Ftr1 one choice. Another less-common but still viable option is Clr11/Ftr2/Rog3 (Rogue for 2d6 sneak attack, as you won't have as much DPS as other party members, you'll get this most of the time.
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  6. #6
    Community Member sheldie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    I'd stay away from Paladin if you are WF. You need to spend too much on Charisma to get any significant benefit from Pal levels.
    I disagree, my 32 point WF paladin on the EU servers is very effective. The WF immunities complement, an already, very strong class.
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  7. #7
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    That Rogue Multi-class is intriguing, I never thought about that combo.

    I really tossed and turned about Fighter vs Pally multi-class, so much so, I built a Dwarven BattleCleric that will be taking a Pally level.

    I'm thinking that the Melee side will be most effective between lvl 7 and 11, then really start to fade as true Fighters/BBns/Pallys really pull ahead.

  8. #8
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cinoaz View Post
    That Rogue Multi-class is intriguing, I never thought about that combo.

    I really tossed and turned about Fighter vs Pally multi-class, so much so, I built a Dwarven BattleCleric that will be taking a Pally level.

    I'm thinking that the Melee side will be most effective between lvl 7 and 11, then really start to fade as true Fighters/BBns/Pallys really pull ahead.
    Your melee-side can't keep up with the damage of other classes at endgame. That's what you have quickened heal for - you can't out-DPS, but you certainly can outlast.
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  9. #9
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    Has anyone done some comparisons with Bladesworn Trans?

    It reminds me of Bbn Rage, but once every 10 minutes though, I should be able to match the Melee guys, of course given the right + items and feats.

    I'll sit down with my Excel spreadsheet and go over the feats again, see where I want to go. If, at the end, things don't work out, not a biggie, that's what re-rolling is for.

    Actually, I've been bantering around the idea of a Bard, never played one, a bit intimidated though.

  10. #10
    Community Member query's Avatar
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    Default Well, I was looking for clarification

    but now get even more confused at the amount of options for this build. I consider that a good thing

    The only thing I know storywise is the PC is chaotic so that rules out paladin.

    Thanks for all the nifty suggestions, and let's see if I can figure out which feats to choose.....

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  11. #11
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    The more I play this build, the more things fall in line.

    I would say, that by the time I reach 10th level, melee would be a "far" second backup option. But for now, this is a very fun combo to play lower levels. You can hang with the Melees, hold your own with casters, throw out some buffs that matter at low levels (Bulls STR, Shield of Faith, Aid, etc.) and do some fun CC with Soundburst (oh, an improved cacophany clickie helps too).

    At 10th level, I will probably change out my enchancements, go talk to Fred and change out a Feat or two, back to a traditional cleric, which I learned really can't be touched by any other class, and yes even Bards.

    Not saying the Cleric role is boring, but it is what it is, and the game, in this instance, is very true to DnD. Excuse me, I have to go put an arm back on the Barbarian.....

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