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Thread: the best

  1. #21
    Community Member pfannes79's Avatar
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    Default blahh with pots..

    Quote Originally Posted by Dexxaan View Post
    W/P is a definite Edge...... But regarding rules...I was being generous when I allowed any healing at all.

    The way I see it is you go in you kick arse as long as you can with what your build allows. Pots, Wands and such....distort the true survivability of any build IMO.

    Dragonmarks and Skills/Abilities are fine, Haste pots sure...but your wounds get no lickin'!

    P.S.: It's Spelled VALE
    thats the lamest thing ive ever heard who the heck plays like that..Lets bring pots to refill health...And whoever gets the most kills before they die, cause even with pots we are going to die, wins the match....No pots is ridiculas......Trust me this will be way more fun to do with Heal pots....

  2. #22
    Community Member Jack_No.7's Avatar
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    instead of gloating on character class.. how bout a players ability to lead or do there **** job, instead of how many mobs i can kill with my uber W/P rapiers..... fed up of that ****

  3. #23
    Community Member AEschyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spyderwolf View Post
    perfectly alright to think that but why not post your list then? which is why i asked who do YOU think is the best at what they do not who is absolutely the best at each class, because everyone has differing opinions on what each class can do or should do. and a good conversation can really take your mind off other things.
    ok, well if you put it 'that' way (and truely mean it that way):

    Barbarian - Thrann (A plethora of names could go here, like Flatlined, Pristinsely, etc)

    Bard - Darqueness

    Cleric - Kuff

    Fighter - Too many good ones to pick

    Paladin - Spyderwolf

    Ranger - Angellis (Though there are TONS of great rangers out there that could be chosen.. and I mean tons)

    Rogue - Huh? There are Rogues in DDO? I wasn't aware of this. If someone could confirm this for me I'd be most appreciative.

    Sorceror - Sorcy

    Wizard - Wait wait wait.. I thought these were the sorcerors' ugly stepchildren... they don't even deserve to be mentioned amongst greatness...
    Aesch - Ranger 13|Paladin 3 ~ Aeschill - Sorceror 16
    You Cant Shake The Devil's Hand and Say You're Only Kidding.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by pfannes79 View Post
    please with my WP rapiers, I will drop everyhting that comes my way, I dont need buffs even, but i will buff up just to prove a point that my build is superior, especially out in the VAIL...

    but the rules Are we take as many heal potions as we want in the Ritual..and whoever gets the most kills without dying wins....
    10k PP against you that the first red named in ritual kills you
    Eclave, Kaptann Insano, Phaera Xun, Apathy, Korvine, Soul.

    Yes it is true I am all of these awesome people.

  5. #25
    Community Member Aaeko's Avatar
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    This is a Childish Thread,you cant prove you are the best by outkilling someone, or outsurviving someone. You prove
    your the best by being helpful to your party, you may kill alot, but you also may be a sucky leader and/or bad at
    playing as a team.
    Diverius De'Delbek 13 Wizard/1 fighter (14)
    2-manned Gianthold Tor Elite With Machavelli
    Aaiko De'Delbek 8 fighter/4 Paladin /2 rogue (14)
    5manned madstone elite w/ a cleric

  6. #26
    Community Member KoolHand's Avatar
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    Default LOL superior to what ? you got w/p on a crit II barb

    that for sure excludes you from the superior build to the superior weapon user. The w/p build is a niche build period.. Gloat why you can, but by no means does it prove anyones superiority. Like the one poster said. first red name see who wins.

  7. #27
    Community Member Emag's Avatar
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    Default Wooot

    I'm aesch's favorite cleric! oh wait, thats not good I hate aesch ;-)
    Soulless or Die.

  8. #28
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KoolHand View Post
    that for sure excludes you from the superior build to the superior weapon user. The w/p build is a niche build period.. Gloat why you can, but by no means does it prove anyones superiority. Like the one poster said. first red name see who wins.

    He has his Strengths and I have mine.... he has a dependency on Heal pots, I dont.

    As far as superior/best I can only say you have to be able to dish out the pain as well as take it. (or avoid it)
    "Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
    Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya

  9. #29
    Community Member Emag's Avatar
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    Default My picks

    Bard- Darqueness
    Barbarian- Jaeger
    Cleric- Shininglight
    Fighter- Nate
    Paladin- Its
    Ranger- Aesch/Angellis both guildies and group with every night, cant make a choice...
    Sorcerer- Sorcy
    Wizard- Sawloman
    Soulless or Die.

  10. #30
    Community Member thisgamesull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KoolHand View Post
    that for sure excludes you from the superior build to the superior weapon user. The w/p build is a niche build period.. Gloat why you can, but by no means does it prove anyones superiority. Like the one poster said. first red name see who wins.
    And if you dual weilded 2 w/p rapier's on a crit 2 barb you would be singin a different song

    I see jealousy almost everywhere I go

    Don't congratulate mediocrity,It makes people comfortable with being Normal. (Hurtzz)
    Nameerror,Bluezz,Tankzz,Powersupply,Rezzin,Ohmzz, Critz,Skillzz,Bullzzeye,Frenzyzz,Killzz,Mishezz, Favorzz,Hurtzz,Stuntzz,Panttera,Stuntzz,Beastzz, and Sinnzz

  11. #31
    Community Member soupertc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack_No.7 View Post
    instead of gloating on character class.. how bout a players ability to lead or do there **** job, instead of how many mobs i can kill with my uber W/P rapiers..... fed up of that ****
    go man go!!!! I couldn't agree more. That is the "BEST" what you bring to the table to help.
    No I don't wear a Concordant Opp item on my Barb...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Zixx of the FlatBlade(Barb)

  12. #32
    Community Member thisgamesull's Avatar
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    Default hahaha

    o.k. ok I thought we were playing a multiplayer game
    in a full group randomly made pug group
    I will without a doubt out kill All, i mean All (except pristinely) builds
    especially a a.c. build (keep the a.c. builds in pvp cause thats were they rule)

    Last edited by thisgamesull; 02-06-2008 at 04:58 PM.
    Don't congratulate mediocrity,It makes people comfortable with being Normal. (Hurtzz)
    Nameerror,Bluezz,Tankzz,Powersupply,Rezzin,Ohmzz, Critz,Skillzz,Bullzzeye,Frenzyzz,Killzz,Mishezz, Favorzz,Hurtzz,Stuntzz,Panttera,Stuntzz,Beastzz, and Sinnzz

  13. #33
    Community Member KoolHand's Avatar
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    Default ur funny

    nope, not jealouse at all. [eaten by cube NOM NOM NOM] LOL I have grouped w/most if not all of the guys on this list. There are MANY that are as good if not better that have NEVER honked their own horn and have no need to. Oh and I have weapons ( not rapiers) and they are situational at best, and are surely a nitche build as I said before taking advantage of the barb crit range. The are worthless builds on any red named mob as well as any mob immune to stat damg. anything else you want to say ?

  14. #34
    Community Member Lebrac's Avatar
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    Default crazy

    It's NUTZ how many people can't read... i do think the 1st line of spyders post said to keep it civil and all you people can do is turn this in to bragging about yourself. why do u think i don't post a list because all i really ever group with are my guildies and what good is a list if all u put in it is your guild members. so the basic reason i am posting is to say LOL at all the EGO's and get this back on topic if u don't have a list or dont' want to post one then don't post... crazy sillyness.
    Don't find fault, find a remedy - If you think you're too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.
    Everyone looks to NSR for info but hates Me for knowing it all!

  15. #35
    Community Member thisgamesull's Avatar
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    Default this is getting no where

    Quote Originally Posted by KoolHand View Post
    nope, not jealouse at all. Just funny listening to all you e-peen heads talk about yourself. LOL I have grouped w/most if not all of the guys on this list. There are MANY that are as good if not better that have NEVER honked their own horn and have no need to. Oh and I have weapons ( not rapiers) and they are situational at best, and are surely a nitche build as I said before taking advantage of the barb crit range. The are worthless builds on any red named mob as well as any mob immune to stat damg. anything else you want to say ?
    red names? come on, do you honestly think i wasted all my stats on dex?
    Don't congratulate mediocrity,It makes people comfortable with being Normal. (Hurtzz)
    Nameerror,Bluezz,Tankzz,Powersupply,Rezzin,Ohmzz, Critz,Skillzz,Bullzzeye,Frenzyzz,Killzz,Mishezz, Favorzz,Hurtzz,Stuntzz,Panttera,Stuntzz,Beastzz, and Sinnzz

  16. #36
    Community Member LargusMeans's Avatar
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    Pointless list, but I will throw into the mix.

    Paladin - Reddler
    Rogue - Lockjaw
    Sorcerer - Mayberry
    Barbarian - going to reserve judgement here, take a Barbarian through an undead quest and look at kill counts, thats a real test.
    Fighter - Cyr
    Ranger - Keensly
    Wizard -
    Cleric - most good ones deserve to be here, you guys rule when your good and make or break an adventure. When you have a bad cleric it shows more then any other class.

    Last edited by LargusMeans; 02-06-2008 at 05:51 PM.

    Skitmar Guthorm 16th Human Conan UMD Barbarian(10)/Fighter(4)/Rogue(2)
    Tarith Larz 16th Dwarf Barbarian

  17. #37
    Community Member Thrann's Avatar
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    After looking at all the list people have come up with, I think we all hit our spots here and their, but all around i think we got alot of great people here that know how to play and enjoy our self, and really thats what it comes down to....

    Guild leader of Soulless


  18. #38
    Community Member pfannes79's Avatar
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    Default :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Thrann View Post
    After looking at all the list people have come up with, I think we all hit our spots here and their, but all around i think we got alot of great people here that know how to play and enjoy our self, and really thats what it comes down to....
    Like I said earlier, I couldnt make a list like this because, there are way more than one in every class that i would choose.. All of these players are killer, and they all lead great in quests, I would know because im always asking for directions in a quest, lol. As far as im concerned we all rule..

    But as for builds that are made for wp rapiers especially barbs, Let it be known that the build that I made is not just depending on the rapiers, I can do an INSAINLY amount of damage with my 2 DeathNips, amoungst other Dps weapons that i have...the WP weapon are just a bonus, And i usually bring them out in a quest when I get into trouble..

    Thats all i got, Im done with this thread....

  19. #39
    Community Member Knightrose's Avatar
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    Man this board is usually dead. [eaten by cube]

    Just wanted to humor my bud Spyder. Cause he cooked up an impromptu list. It was fun just to think for a minute if I was gonna pick them, who woould they be. There's plenty I could of chose, just took the ones off the top of my head. Thanks Spyder. Cya in game bro.
    "The proper office of a friend is to side with you when you are in the wrong. Nearly anybody will side with you when you are in the right."

    The Burning Hand ~ Sarlona
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  20. #40
    Community Member spyderwolf's Avatar
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    yep thx for everyone who actually took the time to post some of their opinions on who they think are great at their respective class.....and for both sides argueing over the w/p rapiers .. it means nothing! any class you give w/p rapiers to can out kill just about any class that isnt using them..and im pretty sure there are at least 200 other threads on that debate why not move to one of them so people can express their opinions on who they think are great at what they do?

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