Quote Originally Posted by Dexxaan View Post
W/P is a definite Edge...... But regarding rules...I was being generous when I allowed any healing at all.

The way I see it is you go in you kick arse as long as you can with what your build allows. Pots, Wands and such....distort the true survivability of any build IMO.

Dragonmarks and Skills/Abilities are fine, Haste pots sure...but your wounds get no lickin'!

P.S.: It's Spelled VALE
thats the lamest thing ive ever heard who the heck plays like that..Lets bring pots to refill health...And whoever gets the most kills before they die, cause even with pots we are going to die, wins the match....No pots is ridiculas......Trust me this will be way more fun to do with Heal pots....