Boots of the Innocent <- Highest Priority
+13 or better Intimidate ring, any RR <- High Priority
Banishing Rapier, <- High Priority
W/P Dagger or Shortsword
Spectral Gloves
Weakening/Enfeebling Scimitar/Kukri (Need 2 total, either or)
High +, one handed greater construct bane
High + Transmuting Khopesh of Pure Good
Planar Gird - Low priority
Interesting deals
Reasonable Plat offers
Greater Gnoll Slaying Arrows - will give you 1k plat per 20
Bloodstone (H) NEW!
+1 Wounding Heavy Pick of Puncturing (ML 10!) (TE) NEW! (pending)
+1 Wounding Light Pick of Puncturing (ML 10!) (G) NEW! (pending)
Wizardry VII Helm (ML 15!) (S) NEW!
+4 True Law Silver Kama of Pure Good (BT)
+2 Banishing Heavy Repeating Crossbow (G)
+5 Mithril Chain Shirt (ML 8!) (S)
Front: http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b2...nShot00044.jpg
+5 Mithril Chain Shirt (ML 8!) (S)
Front: http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b2...nShot00046.jpg
+4 Transmuting Great Sword of Pure Good (BT)
Chaosgarde (ML 9) (TE)
+1 Improved Devotion II Shield of HEAVY FORTIFICATION (BT) (Pending)
+1 Sacred Heavy Mithril Shield of Protection +4 (BT) NEW!
+6 Con Ring, (ML 15) (TE) NEW!
+1 Ghost Touch Dwarven Axe of Disruption (G) (pending)
+1 Ghost Touch Scimitar of Disruption (H) NEW!
+1 Keen of Rapier Disruption (BT) NEW!
+1 Flaming Handwraps of Disruption (BT) NEW!
+2 Crippling Warhammer of Disruption (BT) NEW!
+1 Shock Dwarven Axe of Disruption (H)
+2 Shock Dwarven Axe of Disruption (BT) NEW!
+1 Thundering Handwraps of Disruption (BT) NEW!
+1 Frost Light Hammer of Disruption (S) NEW!
+1 Banishing Shortsword of Shattermantle (TE) NEW!
+1 Banishing Longbow of Slowburst (G)
+1 Banishing Longbow (ML 10) (S)
+1 Axiomatic Scimitar of Smiting (G)
+2 Shock Densewood Shortbow of Smiting (BT) NEW!
+1 Shortbow of Smiting (ML 10) (S)
+1 Khopesh of Smiting (ML 10) (G)
+1 Keen Light Pick of Smiting (ML 12) (G)
+1 Frost Longsword of Smiting (ML 12) (S)
+1 Thundering Longbow of Smiting (ML 12) (BT)
+1 Transmuting Mace of Smiting (ML 14) BT NEW!
+1 Crippling Dwarven Axe of Smiting (BT) NEW!
+2 Vorpal B Sword of Vertigo ML 14 (C)
+1 Vorpal Greatsword of Backstabbing (+1/+2) (S)
+1 Paralyzing Composite Longbow of Puncturing (S)
+2 Paralyzing Composite Longbow of Maiming (RR WF, DC 22) (C)
+1 Paralyzing Longsword of Shatter +4 (S)
+1 Paralyzing Light Mace of Maiming (G)
+1 Paralyzing Composite Longbow of Righteousness (S)
Greater Banes
+4 Flaming Burst Dwarven Axe of Greater Orc Bane (RR Dwarf, ML 14, DC 24) (G)
+1 Flaming Burst Dwarven Axe of Greater Giant Bane (BT) NEW!
Other nice weapons
+5 Flaming Burst Khopesh of Vertigo (ML 14) (BT) NEW!
+1 Weakening of Enfeebling Dwarven Axe (G)
+5 Transmuting Dwarven Waraxe (G)
+4 True Chaos Dwarven Axe of Pure Good (AWESOME portal beater!) (S)
+4 Transmuting Dwarven Axe of Maiming (BT) NEW!
+4 Holy Silver Warhammer (G)
+1 Cursespewing Composite Longbow of Shattermantle (GB)
+3 Cursespewing Composite Longbow of Shattermantle (G)
+2 Weakening of Enfeebling Greataxe (ML 12) (G)
+2 True Chaos Greataxe of Greater Elemental Bane (Ml 14) (BT)
+1 Thundering Handwraps of Weighted 5% (+10 to Stunning DC!) (BT)
+4 True Chaos Kukri of Pure Good (H) NEW!
+4 Weakening of Enfeebling Bstrd Sword (RR Human UMD 24) (ML 14) (TE)
+1 Transmuting Long Sword of Destruction (TE) NEW!
For casters
Greater Potency VII Club (S)
Superior Potency VI Dagger (G)
+3 Superior Potency VI Club (G)
(2) Fearsome Robe of Heavy Fortification (S)
Deathblock Robe of Greater Fire Resistance (H)
Robe of Heavy Fortification ML 8 (S)
+5 Lesser Fire Guard Darkleaf Breastplate of Stability (ML 12) (G)
+4 Twilight Mithril Breastplate 5% arcane failure, (ML 14) (G)
+4 Mithril Breastplate of Lesser Acid Resistance $ (S)
+5 Mithril Chain Shirt (Couple ticks of dam) (S)
+5 Lesser Ice Guard Mithril Chain Shirt of Lesser Sonic Resist (S)
+5 Mithril Tower Shield (ML 8) (G)
+5 Tower Shield of Axeblock (ML 14, RR WF, UMD 22)
+5 Tower Shield of Improved Devotion VI of Spearblock
+4 Mithril Full Plate
+5 Elven Chainmail (TE) NEW!
+1 Fearsome Fullplate of Heavy Fortification (S)
+1 Sacred Fullplate of Heavy Fortification (C)
30% Striders, +3 Balance ML 15 (S) NEW!
30% Striders ML 15 (G)
25% striding boots, +3 tumble $
25% striding boots (ML 11) (BT) NEW!
(2) +6 Dexterity Boots (ML 15) $ (G)
+6 Dexterity Boots (ML 13) (BT) NEW!
(2) +6 Strength Belt (ML 13) (H)
+6 Strength Belt (ML 15) (G)
+6 Constitution Belt (ML 13) (H)
Disease Immunity Belt of Heavy Fort (ML 13)
Proof against Poison Belt of Heavy Fortification (H)
Heavy Fort Belt (ML 13) (BT)
(2) Greater False Life Belt of +2 Strength (BT) (H)
Disease Immunity Belt of Improved False Life (S)
+15 Balance Belt (H)
+4 Cloak of Resistance (ML 15) $ (H)
+4 Cloak of Resistance (ML 13) (C)
Cloak of Greater Sonic Resistance (H)
Cloak of Greater Fire Resistance (G)
Greater Acid Resistance Cloak, Cha +1 (ML 13) (G)
+4 Cloak of Protection (H)
Greater Cold Resist Cloak, +1 Cha ML 9 (RR Halfling, DC 16) (TE)NEW!
Cloak of the Roc (TE) NEW!
(2) +6 Strength Gloves (ML 15) (BT)
(2) +6 Strength Gloves (ML 13) (G) (BT)
+6 Dex, +3 Open Lock Gloves
+6 Dex, 3/day burning hands gloves (H)
+13 Disabling Gloves $ (S)
+15 Open Lock Gloves (G)
+15 Disable Device Gloves (S)
+15 DD Gloves, RR WF UMD 22, ML 15 (S)
+15 Perform Gloves (S)
+15 Perform Gloves (ML 15, RR Human, UMD 22) (2) NEW!
+6 Intelligence Helm Tumble 3/Day(ML 15) $ (H)
(2) +6 Strength Ring (ML 15) (H)
+6 Charisma Ring (ML 15) (S)
+6 Intelligence Ring (ML 15) (BT) NEW!
+4 protection ring (ML 11) (BT) NEW!
+3 protection ring (ML 11) (BT) NEW!
+15 Open Lock Ring (G)
+15 Repair Ring (GB)
+15 Balance Ring (G)
5 Divine Power Clicky, +4 Charisma Ring (H) NEW!
5 Rage Clicky, +2 Con (G) (H) NEW!
+5 Ring of Protection and Underwater Action (ML 15) (S)
Disease Immunity Ring of Improved False Life (RR Human UMD 16) $ (TE)
Ring of Rage (3 clickies) (S)
(2) Heavy Fort Ring ML 13 (BT) NEW!
Ring of Greater Fire Resistance and +2 Charisma (ML 15) (BT)
(3) Ring of Greater Aid Resist (G), (Hx2)
Ring of Greater Lightning Resist (G)
Greater Fire Resistance Ring, +2 Charisma (ML 15) (H)
Disease Immunity Necklace of Protection +5 (H)
Necklace of Protection +5, Con +1 (ML 15)
+15 Perform Necklace, (RR WF DC 22) (GB)
+6 Wisdom Necklace (ML 15) (BT) NEW!
Bracers of Divine Power 5/day (S)
+6 bracers of strength, +3 repair (ML 15) (G)
+7 Armor Bracers (BT) NEW!
+15 Disable Device Goggles (ML 15, RR Halfing, UMD 22) (BT)
(2) +15 Disable Device Goggles (BTx2)
+15 Spot Goggles (ML 15) (BT)
+6 Int Goggles (ML 13) (H) NEW!
Scarab of Spell Absorption $ (H)
Shield Piece One
+1 Strength (S)
+1 Wisdom (S)
(3) +1 Charisma (H)
+2 Wisdom (S)
+2 Charisma (S)
+2 Con (G)
Wayfinder Sceptre (+1 Stacking Search) (GB)