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  1. #1
    Community Member phoenix13's Avatar
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    Default oversized TWF not available for rangers!?!?!?

    can anyone explain this to me, one of two classes almost specifically designed for two weapon fighting and they don't get this, why

    any responses would help especially one from a dev.

    and yes I saw the thread about this on the risia forums but it dead-ended without an answer.

  2. 02-06-2008, 12:56 AM


  3. #2
    Community Member johnrbimmer's Avatar
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    Default Oversized

    I have it on my ranger but it does require a minimum of 12 base strength - does your ranger met the min requirements?

  4. #3
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnrbimmer View Post
    I have it on my ranger but it does require a minimum of 12 base strength - does your ranger met the min requirements?
    I think he's more asking why don't Rangers get it for free.

    My personal feeling is that Rangers getting it for free is not needed. They get a ton of other free feats associated with TWF, so I think that if they want the additional perks that come from being able to use two Large weapons, they should pay for it.
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  5. #4


    emm... no class should get it for free, ever.

    As far as why he didn't get it... well.. Do you have the min str requirement? and Ranger TWF is not the same as the feats of TWF. Ranger version has restrictions on it, hence a probably coding issue that is known about currently.

  6. #5
    Stormreach Advisor

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    It's a known bug (acknowledged by a dev).

  7. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by tihocan View Post
    It's a known bug (acknowledged by a dev).
    the bug is the following pure classed rangers currently cannot take this feat, the code that prevents them from accidently taking TWF feats that they get for free has hidden this from the list.

    Rangers do not get this feat for free as it is not part of their standard list of feats granted in the TWF chain.
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  8. #7
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    I think he's more asking why don't Rangers get it for free.

    My personal feeling is that Rangers getting it for free is not needed. They get a ton of other free feats associated with TWF, so I think that if they want the additional perks that come from being able to use two Large weapons, they should pay for it.
    No he's asking why it's not in the pure ranger's feat lists on leveling and I was wondering the same as I also wanted to take it and she's a 16 base strength so that was not the problem. This is indeed a lousy bug as it forced my pure ranger into a feat I did not wish and will cost me a shard and plat when they do fix it. My ranger rogue splash can get it no problem.
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  9. #8
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    As stated above its a bug.

    - rangers get it for free at a certain level and you dont need to meet the requirements

    - rangers have a fail safe built into the class (programming issue) for when someone wants to spend a feat on the abilty knowing or not knowing they will get it free later (I guess so they dont end up with the same feat twice on the list.. I really dont know)

    Do a search for Feat: tempest and Im sure you'll get some useful info (im just to busy / lazy to find it ATM)

  10. #9
    Founder Osharan_Tregarth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by captain1z View Post
    As stated above its a bug.

    - rangers get it for free at a certain level and you dont need to meet the requirements
    not exactly. Rangers get the prereq's for free, and currently if they are pure rangers, the feat doesn't show up as a choice for them to choose(even though they meet the prereqs with class granted feats). If they've splashed a fighter level, or something else, the feat shows up as a possible choice

    - rangers have a fail safe built into the class (programming issue) for when someone wants to spend a feat on the abilty knowing or not knowing they will get it free later (I guess so they dont end up with the same feat twice on the list.. I really dont know)
    That would be nice, but although I haven't done it myself, I've seen plenty of posts where someone picked up greater two weapon fighting, and then wondered why they didn't get one of their class granted feats at the right level.

    Do a search for Feat: tempest and Im sure you'll get some useful info (im just to busy / lazy to find it ATM)
    updated a couple of things... I think you might be thinking about superior two weapon fighting, which in some future mod "might" be granted to rangers as part of the second tier of the tempest enhancement line.
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