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Thread: Funny Moment

  1. #1
    Community Member lostinjapan's Avatar
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    Default Funny Moment

    So I was cleaning up inventory off a character so I could delete her, and somewhat listening to my husband who was in a PUG (his computer desk is next to mine) when I heard him laughing in what sounded like disbelief.

    I glanced over and my husband said, "This guy is claming to have 743 HP, how does someone get that many?" So I glanced at his party chat and sure enough - the guy was claiming 743 HP. Someone in the group asked him how he had that many hitpoints and he claimed he had a +8 CON item giving him a total of 41 CON.

    Amadare Ardency Discordance Fascination Xalixis

  2. #2
    Community Member Generals's Avatar
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    41-8=33. and the rest?

    +8..hrm I'd believe it in another mod or two.

    hallelujah if he's right !
    Last edited by Generals; 02-05-2008 at 11:49 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Vhlad's Avatar
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    lvl 16 dwarf barbarian
    20 con base +4 (lvl up points) + 6 (con item) + 3 (barb enhance) +2 (dwarf enhance) +3 (tome) = 38 con
    add +9 more (+6 from rage, with +3 more from hardy rage III)
    add +8 more (madstone boots, clicky + proc)
    add +2 more (rage potion)
    add +1 more (litany of the dead trinket)

    You are at 58 con. That is a +24 modifier.
    12 (from base 1d12) + 24 = 36 hp per level
    36*16 = 576

    Not done yet!

    Take toughness feat at 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15. (6 toughness feats)
    For a level 16, that is (3+15)* 6 = 108 hp

    Add +20 to that (heroic durability)
    Add +50 (barb toughness 4)
    Add +50 (dwarf toughness 4)
    Add +30 (greater false life)
    Add +10 (gianthold favor)
    Add +18 (minos helm, toughness feat)

    576 + 108 + 20 + 50 + 50 + 30 + 10 +18
    = 862 hp max

    Or 772 hp if you only take 1 toughness feat (since you need it as a prerequisite for the enhancements).
    Or 740 if, in addition, you don't spend your level up points on con, and instead put them in str (while starting with a 32 point: 18 8 20 8 8 6 build).

    So over 700 is reasonable.
    and 862 is sick.

    You can get 812 with a WF (lose 50hp from not having dwarf toughness IV), but you get some more DR instead, especially if you get say... 30 titanic docents. mmMmmMmm.

    It's the make clerics (or wizards) cry build!

    Last edited by Vhlad/Sair; 02-06-2008 at 02:09 AM.
    Thelanis - Former VIP for ~4 years. Not currently playing.
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  4. #4
    Community Member lostinjapan's Avatar
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    Evidently I left off the part where he claimed the HP was unbuffed.

    And the +8 CON item? :P

    38 CON I wouldn't have batted an eye at.

    41 I did.

    +6 stat item I wouldn't have batted an eye at.

    +8 I did.

    743 (buffed) HP I wouldn't have batted an eye at.

    743 (unbuffed) HP I did.
    Last edited by lostinjapan; 02-06-2008 at 01:42 AM.
    Amadare Ardency Discordance Fascination Xalixis

  5. #5
    Community Member Ringos's Avatar
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    Vhlad, you know WAY too much!

    +8 item? Hmmm... Woulda thought someone would have mentioned that by now. Maybe I'll joining the 'sponser a newb' program and see what they present me with!
    Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle

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  6. #6
    Community Member Vhlad's Avatar
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    Well, there are combinations possible to yield exactly 743 hp at lvl 16.

    i.e. 56 con (+23 modifier), so for a lvl 16 dwarf barb:
    560 (35*16) + 108 (toughness feats) + 30 (dwarf toughness iii) + 15 (barb toughness ii) + 10 (gianthold favor) + 20 (heroic durability) = 743. That's just one example, there are of course other combinations...

    But that number is not possible with 41 con.
    At 41 con (+15 modifier), the highest hp possible is 718.

    (the +8 con item could be possible, since we saw the crafted +8 dex hammer, but based on the rest of the info, the guy in question was obviously farting out rubbish).

    Either way,

    (oh! And if +8 con (instead of +6) was possible, then the highest hp would be 878 instead of 862. ****, that would be fun to have! )
    Last edited by Vhlad/Sair; 02-06-2008 at 02:15 AM.
    Thelanis - Former VIP for ~4 years. Not currently playing.
    Former officer of Indago, server-wide 2nd place: Titan, Queen, Reaver, & Abbot
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  7. #7
    Community Member Seylene's Avatar
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    /hugs Vhlad
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  8. #8
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    hahahahahhaha noobers! yes i was there, and if +8 stat items are dropping then how come i've never looted a +7 stat item yet? or is it just turbine being sneaky and skipping the +7's and going strait from +6's to +8's

    well i guess after looting my +7 holy khopesh last night anythings possible... (no screen shots never!)
    renamedone Wiido Spelunkey Tadpole Weepo Shuh Handolf Wakey

  9. #9
    Hall of Famer
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    Well, Its posible he created a +6 Con Item in the Raid that has a +2 Stacking Con Enhancmnet.....

    Likely.. Prbobly not.. But Possible...
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  10. #10
    Community Member lostinjapan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vhlad/Sair View Post
    (the +8 con item could be possible, since we saw the crafted +8 dex hammer, but based on the rest of the info, the guy in question was obviously farting out rubbish).
    Highlighted for emphasis.

    Just cracks me up when I see/hear someone bragging rubbish.
    Amadare Ardency Discordance Fascination Xalixis

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