Ok, So I kind of started messing with this some. Not an XML kind of person but back in the day I had mad Pascal skills Anyways for the most part it would seem to me that the only thing you can do with this UI Skin is change out the default images or color hues and that’s it. I can not find any default XML file so I would guess that the default UI is not controlled by an XML file. So my question is - Are the only options with the skinable UI for changing images and colors or is there more? If not more will there be more?

Basically I am looking for a minimalist style UI. For other games what I would do is find someone else’s UI that was close and remove the rest of the fluff and shrink some stuff down. Right now you can't seem to do anything like that. Can't change the border sizes of objects or anything. Though with out a default XML file to look at I really can't be sure of this. If there is more you can do is there any chance we can get a default XML file that has everything in it that the XML file can control?

LOTRinterface website is not very helpfull btw.