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  1. #1
    Community Member EKKM's Avatar
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    Default Changing feats - help needed

    Hi all,
    Posted this in the rogue forum but wasn't able to get all the feedback I require (thanks for the info provided though!)

    I currently have a rogue 7, ranger 1 - favoured enemy undead
    Feats: TWF, TWF defence, SF search, wpn finesse
    Enhancements: Way of the mechanic line, dexterity, wpn speed boost
    Base Attributes (or close to it): STR 10, Dex 23ish (16 base +lvl up+enhancements +items), CON12, INT14, WIS 10, CHR 12 (+2 item)

    I took the ranger level to add martial weapons while keeping my skills up and to gain some usefullness agaist undead.

    I also planned on taking a second level of ranger to gain the "free" two weapon fighting feat and rapid shot. I would then use the flawed dragon shard I have to swap the TWF I took at level 1 for something else.

    Is that allowed? I was concerned (after taking the first ranger level) that I would not be allowed to switch out the TWF feat I took at lvl 1 as it was required as a prereq for TWF defence when I took that at level 6 (I have been told dodge would have been a better choice and it would have avoided this). While I would still have the prerequisite for TWF Defence I would not have taken them in the correct order.

    If I take the second level of ranger and cannot swap the original TWF feat I will have it twice, which is obviously not an optimal result. I don't use my bow much so the extra ranger level just for rapid shot is not something I am interested in. Swapping both TWF defence and TWF is not currently an option as I only have one dragonshard which I pulled from a chest and, as a fairly new player, cannot afford another on the auction house.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    First obstacle: characters L5-8 need Imperfect Siberys Dragonshards to respec feats. Shards required are character level based, not feat level based (Flawed Siberys Dragonshards are for characters L1-4). However, you can complete the Hall of the Mark quest from Lockania in the Harbor to get one free feat respec (any level).

    Second obstacle: Ranger TWF is a tricky feat to deal with for Fred. You absolutely have to respec TW Defense before you respec L1 TWF (you won't even see TWF on Fred's list). If you wait, you may have problems respecing TWF (different people have reported different experiences with Ranger TWF). You will get a new "career" feat at L9, which you can spend on any feat you qualify for, including other TWF feats made available by Ranger TWF.


    And the suggestion that Dodge is better than TW Defense is valid. TW Defense is +1 to your AC only when TWF. Dodge is +1 to your AC all the time. In it's place, you can take any midlevel feat you wish. Use the L1 feat for Dodge because Dodge does not have any level/BAB prereqs.

    You will need two Imperfect Siberys Dragonshards, a bag of gold, and 3 days to wait. You cannot level during this time or you will need Siberys Dragonshards instead of cheaper Imperfects.

    Day1 - Respec L6 TW Defense to whatever midlevel feat you wish (cost = Imperfect shard and half a bag of gold).
    Day4 - Respec L1 TWF to Dodge (cost = Imperfect shard and half a bag of gold). Level up to 9 (Ranger 2 by your plan) to regain TWF.

  3. #3
    Community Member EKKM's Avatar
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    Thank you very much.

    Now, where do I find Siberys Imperfect Dragon shards? I assume they are out of my price range on the auction house. I, unfortunately already used the dragonmark quest respec trying to come to grips with the differences between DDO and PnP.

  4. #4
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EKKM View Post
    Now, where do I find Siberys Imperfect Dragon shards? I assume they are out of my price range on the auction house. I, unfortunately already used the dragonmark quest respec trying to come to grips with the differences between DDO and PnP.
    Your two options are: Auction House or loot them in midlevel (L5-10) quests.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    Your two options are: Auction House or loot them in midlevel (L5-10) quests.
    Can't we combine the tiny dragonshard pieces that are now dropping in chests into a dragonshard??


    Ladies - Mediclady, Elspyth, Warchantress, Bittt, Julez, LilBitt, Bucketoboltz, Skitty, Kerro, Wyntermoon, Kethrey, Kethree, Selany, Gypsie, Cassyopeya, Tinkerbelle, Dyanya, PallasAthene

  6. #6
    Community Member EKKM's Avatar
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    Hi Jules,
    I was in a group with you last week in 3 barrel cove on another character (Ayryn the cleric). Talking to you then about my rogue (who currently is the opposite build of Gypsie), was actually what prompted me to post this as I became concerned. I also seem to recall adventuring with one of your clerics when I was using the rogue in question on Sorrowdusk (Aryck).

    That combining shard pieces would be great if its true, I have pulled quite a few of those. Anyone know for sure and, if so, how to do it.

  7. #7
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jules921 View Post
    Can't we combine the tiny dragonshard pieces that are now dropping in chests into a dragonshard??
    Awesome, Jules. Thank you!

    100 Siberys Dragonshard Fragments = 1 Flawed Siberys Dragonshard
    10 Flawed Siberys Dragonshards = 1 Imperfect Siberys Dragonshard
    10 Imperfect Siberys Dragonshards = 1 Siberys Dragonshard

    Fully converted:
    1,000 Fragments = 1 Imperfect
    10,000 Fragments = 1 Siberys

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by EKKM View Post
    Hi Jules,
    I was in a group with you last week in 3 barrel cove on another character (Ayryn the cleric). Talking to you then about my rogue (who currently is the opposite build of Gypsie), was actually what prompted me to post this as I became concerned. I also seem to recall adventuring with one of your clerics when I was using the rogue in question on Sorrowdusk (Aryck).

    That combining shard pieces would be great if its true, I have pulled quite a few of those. Anyone know for sure and, if so, how to do it.
    I just remember reading it somewhere that we can combine them. Ayryn if you need some of the dragon shards send me a tell in game or email to MedicLady. I think she has a few she can send your way


    Ladies - Mediclady, Elspyth, Warchantress, Bittt, Julez, LilBitt, Bucketoboltz, Skitty, Kerro, Wyntermoon, Kethrey, Kethree, Selany, Gypsie, Cassyopeya, Tinkerbelle, Dyanya, PallasAthene

  9. #9
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EKKM View Post
    That combining shard pieces would be great if its true, I have pulled quite a few of those. Anyone know for sure and, if so, how to do it.
    Sorry EKKM, I missed this post. Just put a stack of 100+ Siberys Dragonshard Fragments in the Stone of Change in the Marketplace or Twelve and it will upgrade them.

  10. #10
    Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by EKKM View Post
    Hi all,
    Posted this in the rogue forum but wasn't able to get all the feedback I require (thanks for the info provided though!)

    I currently have a rogue 7, ranger 1 - favoured enemy undead
    Feats: TWF, TWF defence, SF search, wpn finesse
    Enhancements: Way of the mechanic line, dexterity, wpn speed boost
    Base Attributes (or close to it): STR 10, Dex 23ish (16 base +lvl up+enhancements +items), CON12, INT14, WIS 10, CHR 12 (+2 item)

    I took the ranger level to add martial weapons while keeping my skills up and to gain some usefullness agaist undead.

    I also planned on taking a second level of ranger to gain the "free" two weapon fighting feat and rapid shot. I would then use the flawed dragon shard I have to swap the TWF I took at level 1 for something else.

    Is that allowed? I was concerned (after taking the first ranger level) that I would not be allowed to switch out the TWF feat I took at lvl 1 as it was required as a prereq for TWF defence when I took that at level 6 (I have been told dodge would have been a better choice and it would have avoided this). While I would still have the prerequisite for TWF Defence I would not have taken them in the correct order.

    If I take the second level of ranger and cannot swap the original TWF feat I will have it twice, which is obviously not an optimal result. I don't use my bow much so the extra ranger level just for rapid shot is not something I am interested in. Swapping both TWF defence and TWF is not currently an option as I only have one dragonshard which I pulled from a chest and, as a fairly new player, cannot afford another on the auction house.

    Thanks in advance!
    Yoru gonan need 2 Shards...

    First, Swap out Two-Weapon Defense to Dodge..... Gogde gives you +1 AC ALL the time and is a Prereq for some other feats... Its a solid selection, does the same as 2 Weapon Defense and then some.

    Then swap out Two Weapon Fighting... FOr ??? SF: UMD? whatever..... Its becoming a free feat at that point...

    Take your next Ranger level at 9.. the TWF Prereq will be met by Ranger 2 and you can then take Improved TWF as your l9 Feat.

    Take Improved Critical at L12

    and Greater 2WF at 15

    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

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