Hi all,
Posted this in the rogue forum but wasn't able to get all the feedback I require (thanks for the info provided though!)
I currently have a rogue 7, ranger 1 - favoured enemy undead
Feats: TWF, TWF defence, SF search, wpn finesse
Enhancements: Way of the mechanic line, dexterity, wpn speed boost
Base Attributes (or close to it): STR 10, Dex 23ish (16 base +lvl up+enhancements +items), CON12, INT14, WIS 10, CHR 12 (+2 item)
I took the ranger level to add martial weapons while keeping my skills up and to gain some usefullness agaist undead.
I also planned on taking a second level of ranger to gain the "free" two weapon fighting feat and rapid shot. I would then use the flawed dragon shard I have to swap the TWF I took at level 1 for something else.
Is that allowed? I was concerned (after taking the first ranger level) that I would not be allowed to switch out the TWF feat I took at lvl 1 as it was required as a prereq for TWF defence when I took that at level 6 (I have been told dodge would have been a better choice and it would have avoided this). While I would still have the prerequisite for TWF Defence I would not have taken them in the correct order.
If I take the second level of ranger and cannot swap the original TWF feat I will have it twice, which is obviously not an optimal result. I don't use my bow much so the extra ranger level just for rapid shot is not something I am interested in. Swapping both TWF defence and TWF is not currently an option as I only have one dragonshard which I pulled from a chest and, as a fairly new player, cannot afford another on the auction house.
Thanks in advance!