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  1. #1
    Community Member parvo's Avatar
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    Mar 2007

    Default Mortal Voyage Seeking "Afterlife" Guild Alliance

    The Mortal Voyage Permadeath Guild is seeking a non-PD "Afterlife" alliance on Argo.

    Occasionally, a player whos character dies, does not want to delete. In that case, they remove themselves from the permadeath guild and embark on non-PD career. There aren't enough characters who do this to support a regular guild and I don't have time to run another guild.

    What we're looking for is a guild we can join and do some non-PD questing with friendly groups that appreciate good tactical play and respect for character life. Many of us have no prior knowledge of higher-end quests and therefore want groups that don't mind moving slower and enjoying the quest.

    I don't know anyone who hasn't learned from playing in a PD guild. This is an opportunity for a non-PD guild to accept some players who like tactics and work well together as a team.

    If your guild is interested, let me know.
    M O R T A L V O Y A G E
    Permadeath Guild
    Stay Hard

  2. #2
    Founder Evisle's Avatar
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    Jan 2006



    Legendary Knights of Mabar would be happy to help out any of your players who are interested in the Afterlife of DDO.

    We have a large friendly guild of players of all levels. We have many players with multiple capped toons who are always happy to help newer players experience high end conent for the first time. A large number of Legendary Knights have permadeath toons within our own permadeath sub-guild so we truly do appreciate the skills that permadeath teaches. We also know how painful it can be to let go of a beloved permadeath toon and we have serveral guildies who have made the choice to leave their permadeath group behind and adventure on into the afterlife.

    Our requirements for joining Legendary Knights include that prospective guild members be mature, respectful and willing to work cooperatively with other guildies.

    If you are interested please don't hesitate to contact Kegarian (guild leader), Deepshadow (successor) or myself (random officer chick).

    Veras Divania (15 Cleric/1 Fighter)
    Legendary Knights of Mabar

  3. #3
    Community Member parvo's Avatar
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    Mar 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Evisle View Post

    Legendary Knights of Mabar would be happy to help out any of your players who are interested in the Afterlife of DDO.

    We have a large friendly guild of players of all levels. We have many players with multiple capped toons who are always happy to help newer players experience high end conent for the first time. A large number of Legendary Knights have permadeath toons within our own permadeath sub-guild so we truly do appreciate the skills that permadeath teaches. We also know how painful it can be to let go of a beloved permadeath toon and we have serveral guildies who have made the choice to leave their permadeath group behind and adventure on into the afterlife.

    Our requirements for joining Legendary Knights include that prospective guild members be mature, respectful and willing to work cooperatively with other guildies.

    If you are interested please don't hesitate to contact Kegarian (guild leader), Deepshadow (successor) or myself (random officer chick).

    Veras Divania (15 Cleric/1 Fighter)
    Legendary Knights of Mabar
    I've chatted with your PD offshoot in-game. I think I have a link to your site on mine. But my site is down right now. Can you provide the link here? It sounds like a healthy alliance to me. I want to get the conversation started with the Mortals.
    M O R T A L V O Y A G E
    Permadeath Guild
    Stay Hard

  4. #4
    Founder Evisle's Avatar
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    Jan 2006



    our link is as follows:


  5. #5
    Community Member parvo's Avatar
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    I just visited your site and didn't get to far in before seeing this:

    "We're mostly a 'mature' guild so if you have any aversion to adult language or other adult topics, we may not be the guild for you."

    I guess I'd have to say I have an aversion (in guild chat or large groups) to constant F-bombs, off color jokes and such. We ask Mortal Voyage members to remain respectful in guild or group chats. It's PD and it gets tense so you might here a genuine curse here and there but not "conversational curseage". In my on-line conversations with your members I didn't get GD'ed in the face or anything. A trial period might be good. As soon as my boards come back up, I'll start the conversation with MV.

    M O R T A L V O Y A G E
    Permadeath Guild
    Stay Hard

  6. #6
    Founder Evisle's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    Well Parvo,

    Ultimately it is up to you and your guild whether it is a fit. We are a mature guild - we have no members under the age of 19. That is mostly because our guild as whole has decided we prefer to game with people our own age. Median age is probably somewhere in the mid 30's. Most of us work full time and when we game we want to do so in an adult enviroment

    Does that mean we constantly drop f-bombs, swear and curse at one another? Not at all. What we do have is mature discussions where sometimes language or topics that are not appropriate for young people come up. We simply decided as a guild that we did not want to be in a position where our members had to constantly censor themselves because of fear of offending children or teens.

    I had offered our guild up as an alternative for your afterlifers simply because as someone who has permadeath toons myself I know how hard it can be to let go of a favoured toon. It maybe that our guild doesn't fit well with yours and someone else can offer a better option. If that is the case then I wish you all the best.


  7. #7
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evisle View Post
    We simply decided as a guild that we did not want to be in a position where our members had to constantly censor themselves because of fear of offending children or teens.
    Come on Evisle, have you ever heard a kid say "I take offense at that language"? More likely it will be people our age who will say that!
    Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.

  8. #8
    Hamfather totmacher's Avatar
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    This conversation was brought to you by Britney Spears

    Britney, killing permadeath toons since... well... she went nuts

  9. #9
    Founder Evisle's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    No... not Brittany no.... she killed Vbotimus!!!

    And transtemporal you are right - children and teens likely would not take offense to the language used but there was that time that I was Pugging and a youngster said... "you shouldn't swear... my parents might be listening and I could get in trouble"

  10. #10
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evisle View Post
    And transtemporal you are right - children and teens likely would not take offense to the language used but there was that time that I was Pugging and a youngster said... "you shouldn't swear... my parents might be listening and I could get in trouble"
    Lol Fair enough. I know exactly what you mean about adult language. Most of the time, even in polite society, there are situations where it is entirely appropriate to swear. Swearing constantly, or at someone, is a different matter but generally the occasional swear word ain't gonna kill anyone.
    Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.

  11. #11
    Community Member parvo's Avatar
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    Mar 2007


    I'll give this a shot whenever we get our boards and web page back up. I mentioned it to a few folks in-game and they thought it was interesting. Thanks for the offer
    M O R T A L V O Y A G E
    Permadeath Guild
    Stay Hard

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