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  1. #1
    Community Member ThrasherGT's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Revisiting rules for chests

    OK, I understand why We have a rule about being in the instance when chests are opened in order to get the chest. HOWEVER, something happened just a little while ago that makes Me think we need an exception in the abbot pre-raid quests. We had just finished Mentau, and some of us were still zoning in to the tower instance. Well, lo and behold, someone in our party had already broken the crystals AND OPENED THE CHEST (*sigh*).

    Now, being that there is NO way to exploit these chests (with the various safeguards that have been put in place), I would LOVE to see the tops of the towers considered as part of the previous instance so that there is no way (either accidentally or intentionally)
    for this to happen.

    Oh, and did I mention *sigh*?

    see sig for what happened after.................
    Mmmmmmmmm.......Doughnuts! - Homer Simpson

  2. #2
    Stormreach Advisor

    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Yup that blows, someone already posted a thread about this very same issue.

  3. #3
    Founder Gornin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Shouldn't have been changed back to this way at all. Too much opportunity for greifing.
    Snowleopard, Locomotiv Breath, Aqualung, Thickas a Brick, WitchsPromis, Part of the Machine, Coseyed Mary
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