The following items are for trade. I am looking for:
White Dragon Scales! (need 10)
+2 Str, Con, Cha, Dex tome
Greater False Life Ring
Shield pieces 1,2,5,6,7,8
Have to trade:
Mace of Smiting (Named item Level 6)
+1 Shock Returning Throwing Hammers of Smiting
+2 Battle Axe of Smiting
+1 Keen Lt Pick of Smiting
+1 Paralyzing Warhammer of Everbright
+1 Paralyzing Heavy Mace
+2 Paralyzing Falchion
+1 Paralyzing Light Mace
+2 Dagger of Paralyzing
+2 Vorpal Greatsword
+1 Seeker (+2) Dwarven Axe of Disruption (RR Drow, UMD 20)
+1 Keen Greataxe of Disruption
+1 Banishing Warhammer
+3 Banishing Quarterstaff
+1 Banishing Light Mace
+2 Flaming Returning Throwing Daggers of Greater Abberation Bane
+2 Keen Kukri of Greater Evil Outsider Bane
+1 Icy Burst Kama of Greater Elemental Bane
+2 Acid Kama of Greater Evil Outsider Bane
+2 Keen Bastard Sword of Greater Dwarf Bane (Take it to the pit!)
+2 Axiomatic Cold Iron Scimitar of Greater Elemental Bane
+2 True Law Scimitar of Greater Evil Outsider Bane
+5 Lesser Lightning Guard Elven Chainmail (armor bonus +10)
+3 Greater Potency 7 Scepter
+6 Wisdom Helm (lvl 15)
Helm of Freewill
+25% Striding Ring of Tumble
Glimpse of the Soul
Sacred Necklace of Protection
Ring of SR19
Disease Immunity Ring of SR17
Proof against poison ring of SR 17
+5 Light Mithral Shield of Light Fortification
+5 Heavy Mithral Shield of Lesser Lightning Resistance
+5 Sacred Mithral Chain Shirt of Light Fortification
+5 Lesser Lightning Guard Mithral Elven Chainmail