The theory for why we don't get WDAs the week after an update has always been that there isn't enough new information to put into them to make them worthwhile or interesting.
Now, I found this to be a relatively valid argument back then, for a few reasons. First, the next update was a relatively significant distance off and so I found it easy to believe that there wasn't a lot of work done on it while the current update was being released. Second, we often had hotfixes the week of an update. Since a fair amount of dev time presumably went into making those fixes, I could see, again, how there might not be any work done on the next release during that time frame.
Third, and perhaps most importantly, we used to get some notes in the WDA that weren't for the next release, but the release after. You know, the whole "These things are in QA and ought to be released in Mod 4, but these things are in Development and ought to be released in 4.1" thing.
But none of those things are really true this time around. The next update, the anniversary one, is less than four weeks away. Mod 6's release was relatively smooth, and while there are definitely a few bugs, we haven't had a hotfix yet, so I assume much of last week was spent working on the anniversary update. And, again most importantly, we haven't had any information on stuff post-mod-6 in the WDAs since the Mod 6 WDAs began.
So, personally, I'd like to see the first anniversary WDA this week.