How, without using saving throw bonus feats and Way of the Acrobat or racial saving throw enhancements?
I don't beleive Elite builds should be required to be nearly-perfectly min/maxed just for traps? The choice of race should also not be limited in order to be successful on Elite. How can a warforged rogue get near +60 Reflex without being a paladin?
I also don't beleive that an elite rogue needs to be a near-max DEX build. There should be some room for a STR-based rogue that also has very high DEX, but not 30+
The problem with extremely high save DCs on elite is that it extremely narrows character development choices to specific races, ability score builds, and alignement/class if 3 paladin levels becomes the new standard way of acheiving the saves required.
ELITE should be for elite character builds with the most of the best items and buffs available, but it should not be a members-only club for specific races with the requirement of spending 12 APS in each of several narrowly focused character ability-enhancements.