+1 Paralyzing Handaxe of Slowburst - 75K+1 Paralyzing Composite Shortbow - 50K+2 Greataxe of Smiting - 100K+2 Wounding Scimitar of lesser construct bane - 50K+4 Wounding Khopesh of Tendon slice (2%- 20K+1 Holyburst Shortsword of Puncturing - 100KMucksdoom - 75K PENDING SALEAllegiance - 20KStaff of the Seer (+5 UMD, 1/day true seeing) - 50K SOLD+3 Superior Potency V Dagger - 65K+3 Spell Penetration VII Sceptre - 25K+3 Superior Combustion VII Sceptre - 25K+3 Keen Greataxe of Greater Gnoll Bane - 25K+4 Deathblock Fullplate - 10K+4 Lesser Fire guard Mithral Full Plate of Command - 100K+1 Charismatic Cloak of Greater Cold resist - 25K+6 Strength Bacers - 200K+6 Wisdom Necklace of Diplomacy - 250KProof against poison belt of balance +11 - 10KPearl of Power VIII - 10kImproved Potency I ring of Concentration +10 - 5K+5 Constitution Ring of Bluff +5 - 25K+1 Charisma Tome - 40KBalance +15 belt - 10K
Crafting Ingredients & Relics
Ancient Elven Relics x 6
Ancient Giant Relics x 1
Ancient Dragon Relics x 8
Siberys Shard Fragments x 672 - 10k/100 fragments
Kyber Shard Fragments x 1472 - 10k/100 fragments
Small Glowing Arrowheads x 3 - 75k each
Small Devil Scales x 2 - 75K each
Shavarath low energy cell x 1 - 75K each
Chipmunk Funk x 2 - 50K each
Locust Husk x3 - 50K each
Green Briar Twigs x 2 - 50K each
Glistening Pebbles x 2 - 50K each
Bitterscrub Fungus x 5 - 50K each
Lammanian Lily Petals x 4 - 50k each