Keep going guys! This is my entertainment at work. I want to see results of someone writing down every scorpion statue and the way its tail points, and how that relates to how the correct lever that opens the gates.
Then maybe how if you break down the hex code for the color(s) of the rainbow that are highlighted at the end. Maybe we need to take those hex numbers, then modulo 6 to get the proper lever to pull.
For quick reference to start:
red = ff0000
green = 00ff00
blue = 0000ff
yellow = ffff00
violet/purple = ff00ff
Argonnessen | Legendary Knights of Mabar | Couresan | Courage | Plat | Torgo
so last night raonbow compleeted 2 times hard then elite. no correct sequencing of gears. I as well paid extra special attention to EVERY scorpion mural in the quest. On hard and elite they were all the same... save maybe the mural behind the locked gate. which i obviously didnt get to look at. As well attempted to correlate the direction of the tail curl up or down with the starting position and which direction the tail was facing left or right for all 6 scorps. hard and elite both times all the scorp murals were identical... as well we had separate dungeon instances proven by the tele trap to fire elementals. < one quest it didnt show at all and the other one it spawned in the shrine room.> The idea about the lightening being next to the " bullet " i dont believe to be true either since i got lightening on 2 and then went to 10 with no effect and then went to 8 and it dropped the floor. This was the first attempt which also had no tele trap and no rainbow tiles light either and was on hard. the sequence we used was center 6, 2-elec, 10, 8 fail.( this was an attempt at the double triangle or tightening like lugnut pattern.) the next time in on elite we had the button for the fire ele lock room in the first crossway and had the tele trap spawn in the shrine. the rainbow tiles light from left to right were 1,2,3,4-not light , 5-not light , 6, 7. our cleric pulled 4 oclock and floor fell simultaineously setting off the lightening. so after much study i believe this puzzle solve has to be contingent upon the pre lit tiles in the final room. so out of the 7 possible lit tiles 1,2,3, would signify one half of the puzzle and 4 obv the center and 5,6,7 the other half. so that being said now we have to determine if the 12 and 6 are in which half of the final rainbow puzzle. but i am even starting to lose hope for this puzzle ... it seems to me that the only possible clues are either some cryptic nomicron in the journal ( which is always the same ) or tied into the lit tiles in the final room ( which the devs would agreee is a great way to avoid loot runs) if they are indeed tied in to the tiels lit in the fianl room what does it mean when nothing is lit? you just cant win? so that being said .. the only way to figure this out is to make statistical data on what the believed ossible factors are what works and what doesnt ... so from here on out please post
I. difficulty
II. final lit tiles in rainbow left to right 1=red 2=orange 3=yellow 4=green 5=blue 6=indigo 7=violet ex. we went in and 1,5,6,7, were lit
III. the sequence and result ex. ( 4,6,8-elec, 10 ,2 fail )
i want this solve
ps heres yer cryptologist
with any amount of "luck" as long as we keep posting nuggets of info i.e. keep copy and pasting all the results sooner later we will have a whole database of solves and be able to develop a pattern
Tried it on normal just a while ago. #4 was lit in the last room (the middle one), and we pulled them in this order:
8 (lightning)
10 (floor fell AND door opened)
Okay, so we need to test and see if the lights at the end have anything to do with the puzzle. Here are some patterns from this thread; if someone notices that they have a certain light pattern, they need to repeat the *exact* pattern...if the same thing happens with a particular light pattern, then we know that the end lights are related to the puzzle (or at least it notes that there are certain versions of the instance). If different things happen, then that may not be true.
All numbers are left to right standing on the stairs.
3, 6: 2 nothing, 8 floor
4, 6: 10 lightning, 2 floor
1, 2, 6: 12 nothing, 10 floor
5, 6: 8 lightning, 10 floor
4: 6 nothing, 4 floor
Ok, so we did: 12, 8 (lightning), 2, 4, 10 (floor fell).
I'm liking the "Lightning trap as warning" theory very much. We just chose poorly between 10 and 6 for the second to last wheel.
I have seen it fail on the last wheel a lot. Do you think it's possible to have technically failed the puzzle without the floor falling yet so that you're unaware that you've chosen the wrong wheel? Then when you get near the end, whichever wheel you turn triggers the failure because the failure was already locked in, but just had not gone far enough to trigger the floor.
Normal: Lights 2, 3. Tail Curl down to the right. Floor fell on 6 (first try).
See, even the EULA says its a game and supposed to be fun. EvilDuckie-DuckieBotOriginally Posted by EULA
tiles 3, 4, 5
pulled 10, 2 -floor dropped
Officer of ARCHANGELS - Thelanis
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Yep, I think we also disproved the "lightning warning" the other night, on a run with bobbryan2 even!
"The sword itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with swords."
♣ A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes. ♣
Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour
Another Yvonne Blacksword post!
So i have been thinking...
never a good sign.
and I have never been trusted with rolling the gears...
so..being a n00b...I have questions.
1.) does the center gear have to be turned first?
2.) does the correct (successful) combo have anything to do with the notes in Dio's corus?
3.) if you re-number the gears...say start with the top and go clock wise is there a mathematical progression...or system?
like no higher than 5? and does that number relate somehow to the pre lit numbers in the rainbow before the end fight?
{1_2_3_4_5_6 ==> 1+1+1+1+1+1=6}, {5_3_2_1_6_4 ==> 5-2-1-1+5-1=5}, {4_5_6_3_2_1 ==> 4+1+1-3-1-1=1}
4.) can the center be turned more than once? most of the puzzles can be some method.
My mind is a strange trap. It catches seemingly random numbers and attatches a pattern to them.
It is a curse.
I never liked the 2-2-2-5 thingie in Cot6...preferred to try to memorize patterns whenever possible.
I always think there is a solution to everything. If this then that...kind of thinking. to convince my guildies to run in the dark...and find the loot at the end.
Hope I have incurred similar brain over heating in others as stimulus is worth reacting
If there is a non-random solution, I think it might have to do with the location of the trap boxes. Not sure the connection, but...
you don't need guildies it pathetically easy to solo to the puzzle on a ranger. You self freedom of movement and run past the earth eles. Manyshot haste rage and haste boost with a wounding bow on elite takes down beholder. Smite the golem and kill the bats. Smite the next golem and then range the cube. Smite the next golems and tada your there in under 5 minutes solo. You'll die maybe 10% of the time from beholder but meh.