I can't speak to high level play, but in heroics my AA has 2 modes: solo and group.
In group, he still uses the bow, but now its paralyzing or terror arrows, depending on how the group works and whether having a feared mob bringing friends is a considered a problem (always ask!). The CC is actually far more useful in terms of a contribution. Everyone kills faster when mobs are paralyzed.
Solo play, I use my elemental imbues mostly - the DPS is pretty solid, and I'm solo so kiting and taking my time is fine.
Where it's really sweet is when you have another AA/DWS/repeater artificer/repeater mechanic in the party - then the overlapping CC/Damage just murders enemy casters and ranged so fast, leaving the melees only needing to handle the mobs that close the distance. Everyone takes less damage, everything still dies really fast.
As I said, that's heroic. Into Epic... I have no idea, I've never tried to play a ranged toon in epic, except for my current warlock, who can certainly handle EH but definitely not EE.