For those new to the game, getting nice level appropriate gear is next to impossible. It's on the Auction House, but with no coin, you're left drooling. Without decent gear, the DDO experience can be painful during lower levels and we might lose new players because of it.
To that end, I'd like to start a new not-for-profit program called Ren's Foster a Newb Program. I'm currently sponsoring a newb. He simply emails me his class and level and what he needs. I keep an eye out for loot I think he could use and send it to him free of charge. He also keeps me updated on his level advancement so I can get higher level stuff for him. Finally, I make myself available to answer questions he has about the game. Now, I don't have the patience to run him through lowbie quests, but this little bit of help may make the difference.
If you are a newb and would like a sponsor or foster parent if you will, just post here and I'll try to set you up with someone. This is only open to first time players. If you would like to be a sponsor, again just PM me or post here.