I said most likely what happened was they added some scaling multipliers, and didnt go in and change the traps themselves. And if you actually read the satement, I'm basically saying its a developement mistake that happens. This will happen alot with ne game youll see a quickfix thrown in, instead of a more indepth fix, to be able to move on to the next step, as far as me mentioning laziness right out, I'm sorry but everyone and every company has laziness of some sort. Sometimes you can get away with it and things work and none ar the wiser. When it doesnt work however its different.
Yes I dont word my statements in the nicest way, but neither did my mom when she used to critique my essays/book reports for school. Honestly I dont change the way I state things because its a step thats not on my top priority to change about myself, and it's not my fault everyone takes things so personally. Good example is a group of friends that I had and we all used to cus up a storm, never really said them in a derogitory manner and we'd be strolling along and get tr*lled by someone that cant mind their own business saying "oh thats so inapropriate." Peeps give too much power to words, and if theyd get over it they would stop having as much impact, and peeps would have less stress.