I imagine that the damage (and, apparently, DC) increases will get lots of discussion here. However, I want to raise one clear problematic unintended consequence of this change.
Traps with no disable option (fire corridor in Scoundrel's Run, Lightning Room in The Pit, etc) suddenly make those quests un-doable at quest level. It's one thing to make traps that can be disabled lethal to add real consequence to ignoring them. But traps that can't be disabled are a permanent, unavoidable element in a dungeon. I would submit that there's almost no way a 9th level party can now complete Scoundrel's Run. Maybe the leetest of the leet, maybe. But an average party? No way.
So I humbly beseech the Dev Gods to take a good look as un-disableable traps and return them to their old levels. It wasn't like both of the above traps weren't hard already.
Best wishes,