the end rewards for the vale quests are in meridia but recall sends you to the twelve please fix this makes no sence having to run back to meridia after quest completions.
the end rewards for the vale quests are in meridia but recall sends you to the twelve please fix this makes no sence having to run back to meridia after quest completions.
akla thornfist lev 17fighter- healalot thornfist lev 19cleric- aklasek thornfist 13fighter 4 paly- healthis thornfist lev 17 32pt cleric- seakla lev 8 rogue, proud member of unbreakable
Duh - That's what /death is for!
Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder
|||-C a f f e i n e-|||
|||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||
And add Meridia to Greater Teleport while you are at itOr at least The Twelve.
According to jwbarry, you're supposed to recall to Meridia if you came into the Vale from Meridia.
It appears to be a bug that when you come into the Vale from a quest you automatically recall back to the Twelve. At least I hope it is.
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Its not a bug . . .
If the Vale instance resets, it will not remember the last place you entered from (Meridia or the 12). The default recall is the 12 once it is reset. Believe me, they will not make the default recall to the Meridia, i.e. could be exploitable. So the only option would be to have a NPC in the 12 near the entrance to the Vale that can teleport you to the Djinn in Meridia once you've completed the quest to talk to the guy in Meridia (a la Tangleroot).
And yes, I also think Meridia should be added to the Greater Teleport list.
Officer of ARCHANGELS - Thelanis
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If it's not a bug, it ought to be.
The default location for recalling for a Vale instance that doesn't know where you came from, should be Meridia.
The only time you should recall back to the Twelve is if you actually just came in from the Twelve. (Not to mention that it's more forgiving, since there's a Meridia-to-Twelve teleporter, but nothing to take you the other way.)
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Have a question about the Eberron Setting?
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you think that is a bummer....
wait til you recall and end up in wavecrest tavern.
or if youdie and rez out and end up in wave crest.
yes, it does happen.
me once, a cleric with us twice, and a few others.....
"hey guys, be right about 10 minutes as I run from the boat."
Cannon fodder build The Stalwart Defender, Raid Tank
Worst Shroud PUG EVER!!!!!! Epic Fail (started 1/13/10, necro'd 3/9/10, 4/20/10, raised dead 3/ 9/11, necro'd 4/9/11, 5/28/11, fame petition necro 8/5/11, necro'd 9/30/11, KIA 10/3/11, True reincarnated famed (by cleric Cordovan) 10/4/11,