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  1. #1
    Community Member Grenfell's Avatar
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    Default So... any estimates on Mod6 mob To Hits?

    Just curious whether any true defensive tanks have been able to evaluate the To Hit of the new Mod6 content. Have they restored AC to some importance or is it less useful than ever or same as before?

    I was running around with 50 or so and felt like mobs simply didn't miss in the Vale. I can't imagine what the Elite mobs are going to be like. But then, I'm no dedicated defensive tank.

    So what's the word, good tanks of the world?


  2. #2
    Founder Gol's Avatar
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    I ran around the vale with 53 AC and might as well have worn a robe. In GH/Orchard you could get away with it. Here, it's only HP, speed, and Jump skill that gets you through mobs. And with the way they hop around, there's no outrunning the devils. You will die, it's just a matter of time.

    I should say, the one dungeon I did wasn't as bad, but it was the one with the good outsiders in it.

    Otherwise, the HP > AC crowd just got another module of justification.

  3. #3


    I don't know what you two were doing wrong, but running around with a 54 AC had me rarely getting hit in the vale, as well as inside some of the quests. The (average) mob to hits are probably somewhere in the mid 30's range. Even the named devils at the end of the Eladrin Stronghold had trouble hitting a 54.

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  4. #4
    Community Member spyderwolf's Avatar
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    ditto my pally with a 51 can do anyhtign with impunity out there and on eltie in the quests had no problem at all.

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  5. #5
    Founder Gol's Avatar
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    I think I should clarify my previous statement.

    On the run from The Twelve to Meridia, yeah, 50 AC and a haste potion or 2 is plenty. Sure, I got hit some, but not much - the previous posters are accurate here. I did several soulstone pickups out there by myself when no-AC no-HP casters got stuck or stopped too long.

    However, the North-East part of the Vale is an entirely different story. It's almost all Demons/Devils. The ogres, scorpions, rats, and spiders on the aforementioned run don't compare to Demons and Devils that teleport every 2 seconds to box you in while spamming dispells. Get a chain of 8-10 of them and you're toast. I don't know what it's like to try to pick off 1 or 2 at a time, but a pack of them means death for any fighter-type by themselves.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Gol View Post
    However, the North-East part of the Vale is an entirely different story. It's almost all Demons/Devils. The ogres, scorpions, rats, and spiders on the aforementioned run don't compare to Demons and Devils that teleport every 2 seconds to box you in while spamming dispells. Get a chain of 8-10 of them and you're toast. I don't know what it's like to try to pick off 1 or 2 at a time, but a pack of them means death for any fighter-type by themselves.
    The only things out there (by there, I mean the Shavarath side) that were able to hit me were the fiend blood scorpions and the troglodyte warriors. Everything else was pretty much miss miss miss. Maybe the bezekira had a slightly better rate of getting a swing off at me, but other than that a 50+ AC holds up pretty well out there.

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