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  1. #1
    Founder max274's Avatar
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    Default A nice touch from a old school DnD gamer

    I found this very interesting.... ... I am so pumped about this.....Quoting WarCry review: "Now I remember in my old Pen & Paper games, we always had to walk through a dungeon carrying a torch. This was a feature the developers always wanted to implement, well they grinded out the code and the content to make this happen and on enter the dungeon "Rainbow in the Dark" one member needs to carry a torch (well a scepter that has a light spell on it)"........ I cannot wait a actual dungeon where u have to use a light spell/item w/ light on it to be able to see where your going........a real nice touch from a "true" old school DnD player....this will totally give (to me) the true feel of playing DnD at least in a sense. NO more Quote taken from the WARCRY REVIEW>

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero
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    Yeah that will be so cool and does bring back fond memories ok who has the torch? umm Bob the cleric does and look he is full of arrows now.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #3
    Community Member jmonty's Avatar
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    would something like that give enemies a bonus to hit, or cause more agro than the rest of the party?

  4. #4
    Community Member Kris_P._Letus's Avatar
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    Default does it really matter?

    with all the drow and dwarves running around, is it really gonna be necissary? i mean, they both have dark vision. i mean, for the 1 or 2 humans that are actually pc'd it may be necissary, but for the races with dv? are they still going to need the torch idea?

  5. #5
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris P. Letus View Post
    with all the drow and dwarves running around, is it really gonna be necissary? i mean, they both have dark vision. i mean, for the 1 or 2 humans that are actually pc'd it may be necissary, but for the races with dv? are they still going to need the torch idea?
    Darkvision a la PnP does not work this way in DDO
    Darkvision a la adjust your gamma settings does work n DDO

  6. #6
    Community Member Kris_P._Letus's Avatar
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    Default lol

    did that quest last night. it was actually pretty fun. the lighting effect from the light rod was cool. reminded me of pitch black. except no crazy aliens waiting to eat you alive when you fell into the darkness. definatly makes zerging hard!! that made the cleric happy. lol. man, those dark, spikey pits are fun when you cant see to! all in all, a really fun quest!

  7. #7
    Community Member Ciphertazi's Avatar
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    Getting out of range of the light spell causes you to be "blind" like the sphere of darkness spell (when you swing it reports blind) also magical blindness or darkness isn't treated the same as lowlight/night vision, if I recall

  8. #8
    Stormreach Advisor
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    Ive been in two different PUGs in this quest so far and in each of them I had people telling me to turn up my gamma. I responded: "thats not the point. Its supposed to be dark unless we stay near the light!

    I suppose these people have characters with permanent gammavision, er Darkvision! I was playing my "blind" human wizard that doesn't seem to have the Darkvision spell... When I next play my drow in there I'm going to remember this topic now and will probably turn up my gamma : )
    Last edited by winsom; 02-05-2008 at 01:56 PM.

  9. #9
    Community Member Deaths_ward's Avatar
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    Default Grrrr

    The devs need to make that quest auto adjust your gamma so you can't cheat it by just switching around your video options, or failing that make your gamma/contrast/brightness type options only adjustable from the character selection menu.
    "At the end of all things, let it not be said that I didn't pull the switch that killed us all."

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Default Completely Agree

    Without a doubt the torch quest is the best in the game. Lends a great atmosphere to the game. Also tends to obscure the mustaches, which is an added bonus imho.

  11. #11
    Community Member
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    Default Blind masters

    Now I am wholeheartedly for improving the atmosphere of the game to help encourage classic PnP style play, but I would like to see low-light and dark vision added to the races and the spells to our casters lists if such quest style like this continue to be added. Ive not even tried the quest yet but I would feel pretty silly being an elf(especially drow) of dwarf who needed a torch to see. Its not surprising many just adjust thier gamma setting to compensate as a way to restore their lost racial ability. Also since this subject does kind of touch on the whole Blindness topic, Id like to mention that blind fighting feat would be a nice addition to the game, granting us a 5 foot "Sight" even while blinded does not seem to me like it would be game breaking. Still I look forward to reaching a lvl with my new favorite character to try it(im abit of an altaholic btw so my high lvl toons tend to become dust bunnies for anything but loot runs even if I could use them to try a new quest sooner) and see if it gives the classic feel so many seem to think it has(hm maybe I could dust of my old human paladin/ranger/rogue for kicks least he would need a torch). well that was just my 2 coppers good luck and remember armor is never a substitute for agility and evasion its just for the slow and uncoordinated

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