I don't really want this command. But what I do want is some way for more variety in Warforge apperance. My WF Barb looks like Baron Samedi in a purple ripped trench coat. That sounds cool but its actually rather horrid to follow around.
Docents and all armor in general are way too segragated. And I'm referring to random loot pulls. Not raid or otherwise unique.
That's another thing. Please review the rare end reward docents from the years old quest chains like WW, Co6, Delera's etc. These docents are uselless. Some of them are simply a named docent with a +1 Enhancement. Even when we were running around murdering with Masterwork at lvl7 that stuff wasn't exciting.
And I've always believed that all, ALL named, rare, unique items should have their own unique look so that they can be easily recognized and admired. Yes, looks do make a different. Graphics do matter. It adds its own level of enjoyment to many.