On the Risia version, they dropped EVERY time for EVERYONE. They may change that when it goes live though, so you never know, but I highly doubt that.
They also keep showing up after you loot them once. I'm not sure why, used for crafting maybe...?
EDIT: Also, the end chest always had a crafting ingredient along with the Shavarath Stone.
Originally Posted by Handee
I'm fairly certain, from my time on Risia and talking to other players, that the stones are a guaranteed drop for each person in the quest every time you run it. Each quest always provides 1 (and only 1) stone for each person. So you can't just run the same quest 5 times to try to get each of the 5 different stones, but as long as you run each quest one time to completion (and loot the end chest), you will get 1 of each stone.
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If there was unrestricted crafting like in PNP, then yes you are right, that would ruin the game.
If anyone could get a +3 Wounding Rapier of Puncturing just by pulling together enough plats to cover the list price, then a lot of incentive to quest would be removed for very many players. But hopefully Turbine was smarter than to shoot themselves like that.
So whos gonna be the one to throw their vorpal longsword in with the Khyber shards and some other ingredient only to find out that what pops out is **** and ya shouldnt have used that once in a lifetime drop from the new raid on a longsword?
Guess I'll be farming and farming and waiting to see what recipes pop up here on the boards.
Whatever happened to the "Idiots Guide to Eldritch Devices" Q said was coming?
Q!!! Wheres my guide!!!
Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
Also, a small point of contention.
There will be multiple Eldrich (sp?) devices, and multiple levels of each device. There will be basic models in the Marketplace and in The Twelve. From what I'm understanding these can do more than just bind items, although I would totally understand if I'm wrong on that point.
There are higher level Eldrich devices within quests and raids, that can craft/add higher level items/effects.
New Raid = No Prereqs, so as it's been said already... = Just walk right in.
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This is incorrect. I have been on Risia and know for a FACT that there IS pre reqs.
You basically have to do all of the 5 quests once to get in the raid with a couple other comlications.
NEVER did they say it had no pre reqs. They just said it's been the easiest raid to get into SINCE tempest spine. That doesn't mean there aren't pre reqs.
Originally Posted by Handee
It ALL depends on how crafting is implemented. If you can craft better items than loot without any looted components, that would be bad. If you couldn't craft items comparable to loot, it would be bad. If you can craft items that clearly overpower lootable items, that would be bad. If you can make a skiver with 3 other mods on it....I'll quit the game after posting so many flames on this board that I get banned for life.
So just wait and see. You only have to wait 1 more day.
Argonnessen | Legendary Knights of Mabar | Couresan | Courage | Plat | Torgo
Conceptually, I understand that, but the idea of the Twilight Forge "preraid" and VoN5 as "preraid" strikes me as pretty arbitrary.
IMO, both VoN5 and The Twilight Forge should be considered "Raids, phase 1". In other words, they're part of the raid, they just have a their own XP bonus, and as you move forward, you lose your buffs.
- You can have up to 12 people in each
- You have to complete the preraid before you can run the raid, each time.
Given how long The Shroud is (based on what I've heard), it seems comparable to the full Von5/6 and TF/TA experience.
In that light, Twilight Forge is easier to get into, because it only requires three preq quests, instead of 5.
Reasonable people can disagree, I suppose, but I would say that The Shroud is the easiest to get into since The Twilight Forge.
Thelanis: Axio/Pak/Flavord/Paxi/Axiomus/Efrit/Aximus/Axi/Paximus/Heysoos/DanielAsh/Axioma
-=[ Archangels ]=-
Explain how no reFLAGGING makes it easier than say the Reaver? That quest has prereqs, but no reflagging. In order to make that EASIER, you could only limit the prereqs.
Since I'm under the understanding that this raid is for a wider level range, then does that mean that the new prerequisite quests are of a wider level range as well?
Also, since they said there were only five new quests, I made the assumption that many of the prereqs were either existing quests, as a lvl 10 character who is supposedly supposed to have access to the new raid, or not actually quests at all.
Assuming they are existing quests, most of my capped characters have run every quest, so they will just walk right in.
Assuming the prereqs are more collectible geared, then all they have to do is get the collectibles, and... bum-da-da-dum... walk right in.
So, unless the new raid that is intended for a wider range of levels, has lvl 14+ quests as prereqs, then I stand by my earlier comment. Otherwise, the new raid is JUST AS EASY as the reaver, thus making the new raid NOT the easiest since Tempest Spine, and the whole series of statements regarding the new raid by Turbine has been misleading.