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  1. #21
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    The best cleric is the one in your party.

  2. #22


    thanks for the mention

    disavowed.... i kill? not in cabal/feast runs! i'll just make sure no mobs is standing!
    If you want to know why...

  3. #23


    most of the cleric still surviving deserves mention of some sort. after all they have yet to give up even when treated badly most of the time. clerics are not personal nannies. if any player need a nanny, hire one. fork out, cough up the expenditure the cleric/bard/any healer type use to keep you going.
    If you want to know why...

  4. #24
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    Default Aranticus

    Well stated. Nothing ****es me off more than when a group runs with a cleric in a PUG and nobody offers any plat to the cleric. Especially when the cleric is good and stays with the group until the end of the night. When said cleric has to log I always thank them for the heals and ask if they need money to restock supplies. Even if they say no they're fine (you can tell the ones that are not well funded). Those clerics I know that are light on funds and just to proud to say it. I mail money to.

    I can't tell you how many times nobody in the group besides me or the static few I run with offer to give the healer $$. ****** you used his/her wand and scroll supply kick down some jack so he/she can replenish it and heal you in the future. I only pug and have always only pugged but I alway make sure the cleric is well to to or at least offer.

  5. #25
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Hehe... I nominate Numot~Khyber :-)
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  6. #26
    Community Member Hakushi's Avatar
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    He dosn't play right now, but I hope and expect he will come back, but Milton is a top choice cleric.

    Other great choices:

    Guild I'm one of a kind, Khyber
    Current Crew: Raika ~ Carolanne ~ Sulthania ~ Yasminne ~ Zazette
    Semi-Active Crew: Rosanna ~ Venusia ~ Coriza
    Retired Crew: Alexandra ~ Samara ~ Zaretta ~ Carelle ~ Katina ~ Nathalya ~ Kristina ~ Nausikaa ~ Carietta ~ Isabella ~ Zyvorra ~ Hetoff
    Guild The Ashen, Khyber (Originally from Riedra)
    Retired Crew: Zazumi

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disavowed View Post
    Lorich, Boulderdash, & Beergirl for straight healing clerics.

    Fortina for the cleric that can kill and heal at the same time

    Can't think of any battle clerics
    Yeah Fortina is pretty good.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  8. #28
    Community Member deathtouch's Avatar
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    I nominate myself as worst cleric on Khyber, we had a guild event a few weeks ago and several off us rolled new toons, i decided after playing a new toon a healing bard, i thought i could play a healing cleric... OMG what a mistake... these are some of the mistakes i have made so far

    1) forgetting im a cleric and forgetting to heal
    2) second level taking a level in sorce and becoming a psuedo sorce.
    3) one im not really proud off, using a sibley shard to respect a feat.... to what you ask... so I could use repeating crossbows.
    4) thinking i was a battle cleric with my strength of 8 and rushing into battle every time.
    5) After a party wipe, remembering i was the one healing... "oh they cast feeblemind was my excuse"

    The funniest quote was from a guildy after meeting back up after a short break and they all asking where i was i told them, just seeing Fred to take care of some business.... when he saw me his reply was "Oh a cleric with a repeater.... why?!!?!?!?!"

    So people of Kyber, if you see a blonde haired eleven cleric with 1 level of sorce... be aware theres a good chance that we wont make it through the quest.....

    But on the plus note i do have tons of spell points not to heal you with.. its not that i wont its that I forget

    Show me someone who believes in something, and I will show you a fool : Kerr Avon

  9. #29
    Community Member apacheizm23's Avatar
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    Default Top 20 Clerics

    Quote Originally Posted by Disavowed View Post
    Well stated. Nothing ****es me off more than when a group runs with a cleric in a PUG and nobody offers any plat to the cleric. Especially when the cleric is good and stays with the group until the end of the night. When said cleric has to log I always thank them for the heals and ask if they need money to restock supplies. Even if they say no they're fine (you can tell the ones that are not well funded). Those clerics I know that are light on funds and just to proud to say it. I mail money to.

    I can't tell you how many times nobody in the group besides me or the static few I run with offer to give the healer $$. ****** you used his/her wand and scroll supply kick down some jack so he/she can replenish it and heal you in the future. I only pug and have always only pugged but I alway make sure the cleric is well to to or at least offer.
    Very well said Disavowed, I second that..I have allways known that it takes some bit of plat for clerics to keep there game tight,and now that I have one, I see how much can be spent to keep the chaps healed & cured.Thats if if ya wanna be a good all around cleric.Specialy the ones that pug allot as you never know some of those pug groups will defenently get and or keep your skills sharp.Also I have allways tried to help the healers out with a donation and think it should be brought out in conversation durring the grp,,Raid etc etc..and with that I nominate Aranticus (Shugar) I would nominate myself but I cant just yet..level 11 also Aeiou,,Tamat,,wow there are so many, Mysticmalus,,I know there are way over 20 that are defenently Elite!! Nuff Said!!
    Last edited by apacheizm23; 01-30-2008 at 06:18 AM.
    2006/VIP BROOKLYN N.Y.

  10. #30
    Community Member Ghaldar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZAKNAFIEN View Post
    2 that come to mind.

    1. Saaluta(been playing a long time)
    2. and of course Chantelle

    Watch out for these clerics though


    These ones are only good for Jokes if anything
    LOL Zak how is Meadbelly's car doing btw? Hold can heal...i swear
    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbi_Hordo View Post
    Gornn 1:39:12 And she caught him by his garment, saying, Lie with me: and he left his garment in her hand...
    Quote Originally Posted by NYYFan View Post
    All the spouses of DDO players got together and launched a coordinated distributed denial-of-service attack...

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vizzini View Post
    I havn't seen him in ages...

    But if Tija is still on Khyber - He's my top pick
    He quit, but might be back someday.

    Still curious how he made the list though... I checked with some guildies, no one can recall him ever throwing a heal...

    Guildies used to ask if Qwijymart was open when Tija decided to join

  12. #32
    Community Member arcanehealer's Avatar
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    looks like fortina and wifeaggro are the peoples favorite
    drspikey 16 elven cleric (kyhber)/Melheno 4 Monk (kyhber)/dagarnus 8 drow wizard (kyhber)/seasick ranger5/rouge2/fighter1/ Daemonson ranger 6 (kyhber)proud member of the dragon renaissance broterhood / knights of the goldon blade

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by arcanehealer View Post
    looks like fortina and wifeaggro are the forum-goers favorite
    There ya go

  14. #34
    Community Member MoroccoMole's Avatar
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    Tyrast (terrast maybe, I cant spell) most definately.

  15. #35
    Community Member Nexx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoroccoMole View Post
    Tyrast (terrast maybe, I cant spell) most definately.
    all hail terast!
    Laughing at you G.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nexx View Post
    all hail terast!
    If there is one cleric who stands apart from the rest, this is the one... for sure.

  17. #37
    Community Member Khalai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    If there is one cleric who stands apart from the rest, this is the one... for sure.
    I like the way you put that. Terast was the best cleric at something....
    Khyber (Reidra)
    Khalai / Kally / Waldorf / Corras

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khalai View Post
    I like the way you put that. Terast was the best cleric at something....
    Truly legendary

  19. #39

    Talking Top clerics

    After drawing the slot of Cleric way back in headstart, when it was just six rl friends trying to stay in touch from across the country, there are a few clerics that stick out in my mind.

    Dolarrah and Desiderius - the first two high level clerics to show me the ropes. Never got tired of dumbass questions or moves, and always lent a hand. They still do, not just for me, but for everyone (and for me - I'm a slow learner). Both excellent clerics in their own right.

    Lendra - Here's your props, Shadowfox! Top notch Battle Cleric, was the only build (and ability to play that came with that) that ever made me consider rebuilding grandpa Gwyar. Fortunately I got over as a battle cleric...the game really would be over then... the servers would pour water on themselves to make me stop!

    Twoheals - only ran in a group once. Still, amazing. Reminds me of the time I ran with Axer in a quest. Obviously, different, but same sense of seeing a master at work. Where does this time to play come from? If you guys are independently wealthy, will you adopt me?

    Niennah - Just **** near the nicest player you could ask for, and still manages to put me to shame in the cleric world. Being a top 20 cleric doesn't mean you have to be the "uberest", sometimes it's the intangibles that set someone apart.

    And finally myself, for without Gwyar, every other cleric on Khyber would be one notch lower on the rankings! Thanks to everyone who runs a cleric - those who do, know (no matter how much some whine about being underappreciated {man are we underappreciated }) it's the best class in the game!

  20. #40
    Community Member Deadrick's Avatar
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    Default Hmm, yeah, I'll second that

    I've played with both Saluuta and Twoheals, and they do an excellent job. A couple of the others I might have played with, and if I can't honestly remember - I apologize for that.

    I'm not an uber cleric, not top 20, probably not top 200. I have good days and bad just like all the others out there. But honestly, for maybe - just maybe - the third time today since I started playing DDO, a player sent me some cash to thank me for the heals.

    I'll admit, I can't put out damage like a fighter, and I can't throw firewalls like a sorc, but I can and do contribute as part of the group. I took an XP hit to make sure I had SP's to heal with, I spent the cash to buy scrolls and wands to heal with, and mostly I consider that as part of the job of being a cleric. But, even though I healed the dwarf with no ac, the warforged wizard with no spell points for half the quest, even though I went through my spell points, 50+ heal scrolls, and who knows what else in wands and gear. Even though, like them, I'm trying to break to the next level, it somehow came as a surprise, that after we parted ways, with only two people the whole time saying thanks, that the quiet, fleshy wizard with only a few HP's, was the only one to say thanks after the party finished the quest. It was he, who needed the least healing of all, who sent me some cash.

    I could be rude, and bash some names, but I won't. It's the entire mentality that it's the cleric's job to provide the extra healing beyond what should be reasonably expected. I have, since I started DDO, played a cleric as my main. In two years, I have rarely heard thank you, even fewer times have I received anything in recompense.

    Wait, wait!!

    I take that back. I have been recompensed. I have been allowed the honor of trying to cast healing spells on someone 90% dead zerging into the next fray, I have been given the opportunity to see the backside of someone running out of range before getting buffs to reduce the damage I have to heal, I am glorified when I hear my party yell "Could you throw so-and-so a heal" or "Heal me!!" - as though I can mystically transport across a room of monsters running in circles to heal everyone at the same time when they are all in different directions.

    I do not, however, often hear the fighters say, "Hey Frankie, pass me some of those heal pots." I do not hear, "Hey, Dead, your running low on sp's, we'll potion ourselves and you can save it for the boss fight."

    I do not demand cash/credit/gear for healing you. I am grateful, those few who carry around what should be in every fighters arsenal (i.e. potions/wands), to those who help themselves. You know, in the lower levels it's hard to be a cleric, it costs way too much for what you get. Buy a wand, give it to your cleric, they will appreciate it. Higher levels, buy 10 raise scrolls, or 10 heal scrolls. Do that, for every quest you go into, and maybe, just maybe, you won't run around the corner 90% dead - at least once you notice you pocket book shrinking.

    So, my vote: If a cleric heals you, he's good. If you can come out successfully, and your cleric healed you - say "thank you", if you don't have voice, type it. We do like to feel appreciated, just like any other player.


    Oh, and before someone thinks I feel under-appreciated, I pulled a +2 wisdom tome and a holy dagger of disruption tonight. Props to Murderface who popped that chest!! My one and only point, is say "thanks".
    Last edited by Deadrick; 02-05-2008 at 06:55 AM. Reason: update

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