Since mod 5, I have done a lot of raids. Without a doubt over 100 successful ones if you count all toons across all the raids. Now, I do see plenty of raids where 2 items drop. Far less 3-4 item drops and only 1 5 item drop ever. None over 5 items. Most, if not all the raids were 11-12 man raids and a lot of them on Elite. Yes, there were probably a good bunch of 7-10 sized, but I also probably ran a lot more than just 100 raids too; so that probably comes out in the wash.
Point is, there have been at least 30% of the raids done where NOTHING drops. Zip, nadda. Ok, I am willing to accept that as long as there are some raids where 7-8 items drop. Odds on in 100+ runs that would happen maybe a few times. I am not even coming close to that... even on Elite (the raids that are SUPPOSED to scale)!!! The largest groups of item drop numbers have been zero and 1-2 itmes. At least 80%. Estimating based upon memory, I would say 50% of drops are around 1-2 items, 30% zero items, about 15% for 3 items and 5% for 4-5 (mostly 4). Again, this is my personal experience and I am sure others have their own.
I cannot get behind a system that is not really giving a fair roll. Based on the odds that are supposed to be happening on elite, 25% of the time we should get loot. That is 1 in 4. For an elite raid group of twelve, the AVERAGE should be 3 items, not 1. We should see an abundance of loot everyone in a while too... like 8 items or more dropping. However, I have NEVER seen or heard of that ever happening.
Makes me think they cut it off at 5-6 items regarldless of rolls.