Wants: 20 black dragon scales, firestorm greaves, +6 con ring/necklace, W/P and other nice rapiers, cool looking unholy weapons (for looks), PP
+6 Dex gloves no RR for +6 Con ring (if RR, human)
+5 Mithril FP of Hypnotic Patter, no RR L10. Looks like centurion armor but brown.
+5 Mithril Heavy Shield.
3 Blue for black scales.
Ring of Feathers
+6 ST belt
+6 Char cloak
Belt of Tongue
Disease Immunity belt of heavy fort
+13 DD, +1 int Goggle, halfing
+1 Holy Maul of Greater Giant Bane- traded
+1 Banishing Long Bow of Maiming
+1 Banishing Quaterstaff
+1 Banishing repeating light xbow of deception
+2 True Law Great Axe of Greater Dragon Bane
+2 Para dagger
Malestorm (L2)
+1 Greataxe of Smiting (L8) Elf/Drow