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  1. #21


    Invisibility and haste followed by a silence spell on yourself = uber stealth without even sneaking.

    Implementing this spell would likely also mean implementing the feat: silent spell.

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  2. #22
    Stormreach Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    If you added Silence as-per PnP, to be consistent you'd have to add the Silent Spell metamagic feat, also as per PnP. And that would sort of cancel the benefit, except that it would take 1 more feat from casters.
    Agreed. Silence would be pointless to add to DDO if we could also learn the Silent Spell Feat. For +10 more SP we could toggle that on and be immune to the effects of Silence. Might as well not enough code it at that point. Silence would only work well in DDO if there was no Silent Spell feat, but then you could imagine the cries from some D&D purists who do not have a good grasp of MMO play balance..

    Still, I think Silence might be a worthy addition to DDO. It would have to be a No Save spell, otherwise the cleric might as well be casting Command or Hold Person. In D&D, Silence is frequently cast on an object or a willing target, rather than on a unwilling target. The spell area is then moved to overlap with enemy spell-casters who receive no save because the Silence is already in operation.

    If a DDO cleric-monster had the proper coding to cast buffs on his allies then Silence (on a fighter-monster) might work very well against us players. I don't think DDO monsters do any healing or buffing of their allies though, do they ? Its really too bad that they don't. The monster AI in Guild Wars has monsters that cooperatively buff/heal eachother. It can be a good challenge to overcome.
    Last edited by winsom; 01-28-2008 at 03:47 PM.
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  3. #23


    I don't know that Silence would be useless with the addition of Silent Spell.

    First it's a feat, meaning Clerics and Sorcerers would be less likely to have it. At the very least, everyone has it in place of something else.

    Second, even if you have it, and turn it on, it's more spell points per spell. Spell points continue to be a limited resource to some degree, even if less so while at the level cap.

    Third, the no-voice-chat, no-typing rule could make it kind of interesting, as even Silent Spell won't fix that.
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  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    I don't know that Silence would be useless with the addition of Silent Spell.

    First it's a feat, meaning Clerics and Sorcerers would be less likely to have it. At the very least, everyone has it in place of something else.

    Second, even if you have it, and turn it on, it's more spell points per spell. Spell points continue to be a limited resource to some degree, even if less so while at the level cap.

    Third, the no-voice-chat, no-typing rule could make it kind of interesting, as even Silent Spell won't fix that.
    To piggy back on this thought, Silent Spell does not work on Bardic Songs. So if Silence was cast the bard songs would go poof if the Bard failed his save. Thats based on the PnP rule that the bard must maintain singing for the effects to remain constant.
    Last edited by Kalanth; 01-28-2008 at 04:36 PM.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalanth View Post
    Thats based on the PnP rule that the bard must maintain singing for the effects to remain constant.
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  6. #26
    Community Member Jerevon's Avatar
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    Not sure about Silence, but I've seen the GM's use "****, 15 Foot Radius" and "BAN, Single Target"
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