Question 1
Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"
I currently have 6 xp capped characters I play with, a rogue, a bard, a wizard, a ranger, a fighter and a cleric, I also have a lvl 2 paladin I rarely play with these days. The characters I seem to play the most are my rogue and bard, but I play all my characters, except my fighter I play the less. Awnser is lvl 14.
Question 2
Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?
Yes a few when they were matching my playtime.
Question 3
When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?
I don't talk much about the game with my rl friends, and when I do, it's mostly gaming experiences.
Guild I'm one of a kind, Khyber
Current Crew: Raika ~ Carolanne ~ Sulthania ~ Yasminne ~ Zazette
Semi-Active Crew: Rosanna ~ Venusia ~ Coriza
Retired Crew: Alexandra ~ Samara ~ Zaretta ~ Carelle ~ Katina ~ Nathalya ~ Kristina ~ Nausikaa ~ Carietta ~ Isabella ~ Zyvorra ~ Hetoff
Guild The Ashen, Khyber (Originally from Riedra)
Retired Crew: Zazumi
I really think this is a deceptive question. My favorite character ever was my Rogue, Liran, who was capped at level 12 when I deleted him because it's so hard for Rogues to get groups.
I've got a new Ranger/Rogue cross, Narual, who's level 11 now, but he's having the same trouble getting groups now as Liran was before, and covering the same territory again kinda bugs me so much that Narual isn't as much fun to play as Liran was.
I try to mention the graphics and the combat engine, but my friends compare it to Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 games and tell me it looks like ****. Maybe my Geforce 8400 isn't strong enough to impress?
I really like the character customization and the massively multiplayer of DDO, but my friends are all happy with first-person and limited online style games.
Question 1
Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved?
Level 14 - my main (in TA we declare them) is a DPS rogue. In addition, I have 3 level 14 alts that get a decent amount of play. They are a tactical fighter (stunning blow), healbot cleric, and generalist wizard. I am also tinkering around with a lowbie TWF ranger (like quite a few others) and a mid-lowbie dwarven barbarian. Once a week I play in a static group as a 10 intimitank.
Question 2
Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?
Yes, but only one. I was on Aundair for Deal or No Deal, although I was in the wrong instance and missed when +Sir was, um, welcomed to the server. That's one of my favorite DDO stories of all time.
I think I would really enjoy the ones where the monsters are spawned in the PvP pit.
Question 3
When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?[/QUOTE]
Friends that Play: Latest thing that happened, discussion of upcoming changes. The usual likes and gripes.
Other Gamer Friends: I describe the combat and instancing. I'll mention that there is very little farming, and describe some of the quests. While I have never played a MMO, I mention that the combat is much more FPS than what has been described to me by others -- and I try to sell that aspect. I treat it as an opportunity to sell when it comes up.
Last edited by Inkblack; 01-28-2008 at 02:46 PM. Reason: corrected event name
Question 1
What is your favorite DDO creature and why?
Would have been flesh golems, until their saves were jacked up to absurdity just before mod 5 live release. I've always liked flesh renders, I suppose. They were deadly serious up through cap 12, and still mean if you underestimate them.
Question 2
How often do you play DDO?
Too much... probably average 4 hrs a night during my "active" phases. I'm not in one of those now.
Question 3
What was the most difficult aspect about DDO when you were a new player?
Last time I was new was, oh, mid beta... at which point the most difficult thing was getting a featherfall item so I could enjoy the super double-jump. I've said it before and I'll say it again: that's the most fun I've ever had in DDO. Making crazy jumps was also one of my favorite parts of AC.
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"
Fighter 14. I've capped all the characters I enjoyed playing, unless there was a good reason not to. My first repeater-spec fighter/rogue ended up unable to get IPS when it was added because the feat rearranging necessary was impossible due to her class leveling sequence. Rerolled her at 12.
At any rate, if someone is playing their "level 4" consistently, do you think he's going to stay that level for long?
Question 2
Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?
"Participate" probably isn't the word I'd use. I attended Deal or No Deal, which was pathetic. I've never had the good fortune to be online when GMs spawn crazy monsters in taverns or the graveyard or such.
Question 3
When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?
Keep your expectations under control, and don't assume the 3.5 ruleset is law. I picked up DDO after retail because it addressed the things for which I quit WoW, and I still enjoy it because I focus on that instead of the frill and polish it's missing. Of course, that's become a bit harder to do what with things like horrible customer service and punitive raid changes.
edit: I guess I read this question as if it were asking about talking to people you're trying to recruit. Outside of that context, the first thing is certainly the active combat model as opposed to WoW's snorefest.
Last edited by Boulderun; 01-28-2008 at 02:43 PM.
-Valok of Khyber, The Free Companions
Still furious about the horrendous CS mismanagement of the so-called Abbot timer "exploit," and not going to let anyone forget it.
Question 1
Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"
level 12
Question 2
Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?
Question 3
When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?
I wish you'd come back...
Keris-20Rogue Rahm-19Fighter Bodi-18Bard Uke Lele-20Bard Willoughby-17Rogue Ivey-20Sorc Efric-20Ranger Glaude-20FvS Hania-20Cleric Crezida-16Sorc Gespar-20Wizard Yorgo-11Barb Yurric-16Monk
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"
Answer- I play my level 6 ranger only because my level 14 Multi is capped or I would be playing him.
Question 2
Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?
Question 3
When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?
A particular hunt or hunt or my guild.
Thought about it - and don't really have a 'favorite'.
Question 2
How often do you play DDO?Used to be days at a time - now a few hours a week. Much more time on forums.
Question 3
What was the most difficult aspect about DDO when you were a new player?My first MMO (if Diablo doesn't count), so getting over the fear of grouping with new people. After that, figuring out what effects/bonuses did or didn't stack.
Question 1
Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"Have one 14 (barely). Play mostly on my 9 and 11.
Question 2
Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?Usually, only as a spectator. Rolled a die for +Sir, and had previously gotten a Wayfinder Sceptre.
Question 3
When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?That it ain't WoW!
Last edited by cdbd3rd; 01-28-2008 at 06:21 PM.
Question 1 - Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved?
Question 2 - Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?
Yes. The last part of the hunt for Durneal on sorrowdusk isle.
Question 3 - When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?
That I'm only addicted to it because it's fun.
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.
Question 1
Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"
Level 14. I keep a few characters at different levels. It's a different experience at each range, so I have a few favorite characters in each range. A level 5 Halfling Barbarian that's a blast, a level 11 wizard that's fun, and my personal pet, my level 14 sorcerer.
Question 2
Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?
A few. Most times they were just at the wrong times or the lag was too bad. I have run/participated in a number of player-run events, however, that were quite nicely done.
Question 3
When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?
The combat system and the beauty. The combat system is what sets it apart from other games. There's a lot of other things that more mature/better financed games have that we don't... but give me combat mechanics any day over the other stuff, and the rest isn't as important. I've played Tribes since the day it came out, and even at its launch it had dated graphics, but the combat system was amazing and immersive. WoW's combat system makes me cringe when I can't distract myself from it with something else.
Give us better (any) testing tools on Risia and help stop the reign of obvious, and silly, bugs!
Originally Posted by EP_Harlow
Question 1
Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"
A: Lvl 13, my only 14 became a mule, and most of my other builds never make it past lvl 11, too boring at high levels.
Question 2
Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?
A: No, only been around during one of them and was having a good time questing.
Question 3
When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?
A: If they know anything about DnD I talk about how true to PnP turbine has been, and how far they've strayed, if they know nothing about DnD I talk about the combat system.
Question 1
Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"
Level 14. My fighter Terrah, still the best. Doesn't have much HP because of her Drowists/elf roots. But it dont matter nobody can hit her with a top 50+ ac.
Question 2
Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?
All of the Tchurvul series. .....Terrah has not forgotten you yet wizard!!.
Question 3
When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?
The graphics, the gameplay, the lack of the need to spend 1 - 2 hours running to an encounter like in other MMo's. Most of all I say its not WOW, THIS IS DDO!!
Who's the more foolish, the fool or the one who sends it a res.
Unrestricted free agent
Characters - Terrah, Elayne, Shiado, Ranok, Rattchet
Question 1
Level 12 Bard 1 fighter
Question 2
Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?
Question 3
I dont talk to close friends about my DDO, they think I am a geek anyways, and besides my wife hates it as most wifes do. People I know play online games however I will say they need to drop the MMO they are playing, come join me ingame and never look back from DDO.
The combat system and freedom of the game.
1. Level 14
2. yes
3. The complicated quests
My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
I really like it.
1) I am playing characters from level 3 to 14 about evenly.
2) No. Don't have the time.
3) Active combat system
Snowleopard, Locomotiv Breath, Aqualung, Thickas a Brick, WitchsPromis, Part of the Machine, Coseyed Mary
No whining, unless you're serving really good cheese. Otherwise, put a cork in it.
Question 1
Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved?
Current level cap on Myrmidral and Numot (14.999). Argental will be there soon, as soon as I can get my computer back
Question 2
Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?
No, they aren't at good times for someone in Sydney, Australia.
Question 3
When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?
Awesome combat system, and (if they've played P&P) the massive inflation of PC power level.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
Question 1
Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4" Wow this is a tough question for me. I have made dozens of alts that were deleted because I really have to feel comfortable with the character. A character is not simply a group of stats to me, but rather an alter ego. Being a role player I really have to get into the character to enjoy him (or her). That being said I will have to give the awnser "level 14", as this character was my very first and has made many appearances in other CRPGs. Despite the many flaws in the build my namesake will always be my favorite character no matter his level.
Question 2
Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events? Yes.
Question 3
When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them? The combat system. I have sang praises to all my former NWN friends about DDO. Some have tried it. None have stayed. Many are rule snobs and do not like Turbines deviation from the 3.5 rules. The persistant world we played on was heavy with custom scripts to make it as close to the 3.0 rule set as humanly possible. Personally I think Turbine did what they had to do to make an enjoyable MMO and I really like Turbines psudeo-3.5 rules set.
Members of The Forsworn ~ A Roleplaying guild on SarlonaDailus d'Phiarlan | Tebaun Xul'mec | Ellarian Korianthil | Runlin Droranath | Soarwood | Shillistana d'Thuranni"Oh! blame not the bard." ~ Sir Thomas More
Last Weeks:
Answer to Question 1: I would have to say my favorite creature type would be the Gargoyles. I think they are well made.
Answer to Question 2: Every day if possible if the wife aggro holds out, this ensures that I get my monies worth and I can continue to check out the new stuff on Risia when it comes out.
Answer to Question 3: Learning to have patience and deal with know it all, zerger types who were not willing to teach you about the game.
This Weeks:
Answer to Question 1: I generally work on all of my pcs as they get close to leveling, however I have been playing my 13th level wizard more than the rest as of late.
Answer to Question 2: I have tried to, but have been to late to most of them as I have been in quest with parties and don't feel it would be rthe right thing to do leaving them to participate in them for personal gain. Maybe scheduling them ahead of time could help with that.
Answer to Question 3: I generally try to find out what our guild is planning and try to help out or get a raid of some type going prior to running other things with non-guildies. However, it seems that non-guildies sometimes run better runs as you're not dealing with the heiarchy of the guild structure.
By the way Tolero chk out this thread: