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Thread: Tell Tolero #5

  1. #21


    ?1: I've capped every class accept for cleric, paladin, and ranger. I play about all of my characters equally, don't really have a favorite. I will say I like to play my characters the way I intended to. Example: I hate tanking on my bard, but I still do because somehow I made it good enough to get in the thick of it. (not something you can really do anything about. )

    ?2: I've participated in just about all sponcered live events. I wish you could have live events such as a special quest that did not require man power to constantly hand hold. Live events on DDO just seem to be very lacking compared to so many other MMO events. I do not understand the setup with which you are forced to work in, so I am unable to really offer any reasonable ideas within means with which you could accomplish them.

    ?3: How beautiful it is, and how you must be willing to actually think (aka use tatics) other wise you will die. This is not a game with a "win" button by any means. The tatics needed in any other MMO I've seen (which isn't many mind you) are pud compared to this game. I like the fact I'm forced to think, then rethink what I need to do in order to help the group beat a quest. It keeps my brain active.

    I bemoan and (#@#! about the fact we have no way to change how our characters look, that bards can not change their tunes, and voice chat control is not as tuneable as I'd like.

  2. #22
    Community Member VonBek's Avatar
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    Question 1
    Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"

    Level 7 (Ranger, Mostly solo, occasionally grouped.)

    Question 2
    Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?

    No, sorry. They seem to run when I'm not able to play.

    Question 3
    When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?

    My friends already play. Both of them.
    Last edited by VonBek; 01-28-2008 at 11:02 AM.
    So, I hear that one day we may get Familiars...
    ....I want a Velociraptor!

  3. #23
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"

    Levelling my fourth to 14, a level 10 sorcerer.

    Question 2
    Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?

    YES! Every time I can. What happened to them? We were on a roll! Then, nothing *sad*

    Question 3
    When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?

    Me - "Its not D&D, its a computer game *sigh*"
    Friend - "You're still a dork"

    Answers in Warning Flare Red.
    Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ Yndrofian
    Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

  4. #24
    Founder The_Silver_Griffon's Avatar
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    Question 1: Level 10 (Ranger7/Rogue3; I play many characters, but this is actually the one that I have attained the highest level with. This is also my first character from the head start weekend.)

    Question 2: Yes

    Question 3: Combat/Monster AI
    "Not only are you wrong, but I even created an Excel spreadsheet to show how wrong you are." - James Wyatt, WotC

  5. #25
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1
    Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"
    Level 14

    Question 2
    Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?
    Yes (trivia stuff a while back)

    Question 3
    When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?
    I don't really talk about it. Nobody cares

  6. #26
    Community Member kruggar's Avatar
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    Question 1
    Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"

    level 14

    Question 2
    Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?


    Question 3
    When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?

    i love the game

  7. #27
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Question 1
    Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"

    Odd question... I move between several chars on a regular basis, the max of which is currently 14.

    Question 2
    Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?

    Yup. I have the pirates bandana from Speak Like a Pirate Day. I also hung out and was bored to death by a couple other events. I have to say though that the events have been a bit disappointing in that since the first event they either they are instanced and only 1/25 groups has a chance at anything or they are public fights of some kind and then unless you are on a melee you can only watch. I now basically ignore all events because of this.

    [I]Question 3[/I]
    When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?[/QUOTE]

    It's fun and addictive.

  8. #28
    Community Member The_Ick's Avatar
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    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"
    Level 14, mostly because I have all 9 slots capped.

    Question 2
    Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?
    Yes, although i think this game would greatly benefit from more tools that players could use for that kind of thing.

    Question 3
    When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?
    How awesome the Combat is, there is nothing like it that i have been able to find in any other MMO

  9. #29
    Community Member VonBek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    Question 1
    Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"

    Odd question... I move between several chars on a regular basis, the max of which is currently 14.
    Why does it seem odd to you?
    So, I hear that one day we may get Familiars...
    ....I want a Velociraptor!

  10. #30


    1) 14, a cleric that I have had since the beginning of the game.
    2) Yes. The more the better!
    3) The GREAT team-based play centered around real-time combat.
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  11. #31
    Founder Ildaron's Avatar
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    Question 1
    Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"

    My level 14 sorc!

    Question 2
    Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?
    Nope always planned on making it to one, however at the last moment something always comes up.

    Question 3
    When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?
    I tell them it is better then WoW. They say they are sticking to WoW, I mentioned the better graphics, spells, systems, instanced quests that reduce lack, easy parting system, the constant updates.

  12. #32
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    1) 14 Cleric.
    2) None of the Turbine events, a few player events.
    3) Real-time combat. (Which is why targetting/facing errors & misfires with spells/ranged weapons bother me so much. IMHO, the combat system is DDO's claim to fame and needs to be as perfect as possible.)
    Last edited by Mad_Bombardier; 01-28-2008 at 11:33 AM.

  13. #33
    Community Member narizue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4" Level 14, I have 7 of them and I love them all.

    Question 2
    Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?
    Yes. Emerald Claw conspiracy, the part that was in Ataraxia's Haven. Had a great time.

    Question 3
    When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?
    Usually that the level cap is going up in Mod 6. Most have played previously
    Theres my 2cp
    Archangels - Thelanis

    Kyrian - Dellek - Devestia - Harleaiquin - Nakano - Narizue - Xandek

  14. #34
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    1. Level 14 Sorcerer, 2nd place Level 14 Wizard
    2. No
    3. My friends.

  15. #35
    Founder Gengulphus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1
    Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"

    I enjoy playing my ranger the most: lvl 4

    Question 2
    Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?


    Question 3
    When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?

    It depends on who I'm talking to. If I'm talking to friends who like DnD, I say, "Dude, you've got to check out DDO, it's awesome." Then I explain that there are some differences between DDO and PnP. If I'm talking to anyone else (such as my wife or the rest of my extended family), I say, "I'm not that much of a geek! Okay, so I am!"
    Keepers of the Arcane Khyber Server (formerly Aundair)
    Gengulphus lvl 16.2 paladin -- Phanurius lvl 9 cleric -- Vincens lvl 5 wizard
    Dahnte Alighieri lvl 3 bard -- Albertus Magnus lvl 3 paladin -- Dysmas Sunset lvl 3 rogue
    Tancro Stone lvl 6 fighter -- Huubert of Liege lvl 4 ranger

  16. #36
    Community Member Deragoth's Avatar
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    1. Level 14
    2. No, only because I wasn't on at the time.
    3. The Combat System. Hands down, this is where DDO shines above all other MMOs.
    Vilified -Depraven - Frontloader - Primacy
    aka Villainous
    - Pre-June'08.

  17. #37
    Founder Alexander_Illusioni's Avatar
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    Question 1
    What is your favorite DDO creature and why? Maruts or constucts, fun to try to smite them!

    Question 2
    How often do you play DDO? Daily 2 to 3 hours

    Question 3
    What was the most difficult aspect about DDO when you were a new player? Using the maps in "Tempest Spine type areas", still is !

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4" Three level 14 characters, two of which I enjoy playing; a wizard, and a ranger. I do not play my Bard much. I have little interest on leveling another character until druids come out.

    Question 2
    Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events? Yes, but it was cancelled due to behavior of the people on the server. Way too much lag at the event.

    Question 3
    When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them? Cool graphics and quests, followed by not enough new content to play regularly, but really fun when new stuff comes out.

    haha, no. While a lead designer's job is to balance the game as a whole, each system designer (and each level designer/content guy) is responsible for their own little bit of the game. So as such, I balance spells/enhancements, graal has items and treasure, and Eladrin runs around going "raaar!" a lot. I think he does monsters.

  18. #38
    Community Member Brianius's Avatar
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    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"

    Its a toss up between my 14 Ranger and my lvl 4 fighter waiting for his levels in monk

    Question 2
    Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?

    When I can i'm part of that morning community so most events we don't see.

    Question 3
    When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?

    The awsome combat system or the graphics if they play WoW

    Last weeks Questions
    Question 1
    What is your favorite DDO creature and why?

    Blue Dragons..well Dragons in general because the awe inspireing feelings you get when you slay one.

    Question 2
    How often do you play DDO?

    10 hours during the week and the same during the weekend mabye

    Question 3
    What was the most difficult aspect about DDO when you were a new player?

    Mastering the controls. DDO is one of the inbetween mmos not quite the nex gen that hast arrived yet but ahead of the competion in current games.
    NO!! I wont correct my spelling/grammar, and yes I lack the power of typed word.
    Been to Ghallanda lately?
    Wanna have fun but not sure how? Here is your answer!

  19. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1
    Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved?

    Question 2
    Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?

    Question 3
    When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?

    Q1: 14
    Q2: Yes, but none sponsored by Turbine - I attended Varro's wedding, for example.
    Q3: First-Person Shooter meets MMO

    -=[ Archangels ]=-

  20. #40
    Tasty Ham Hunter Kargon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1
    Of your characters that you enjoy playing the most, or play most often, what is the highest character level you've achieved? Example: You currently have a level 14 cleric, a level 10 wizard, and a level 4 fighter, but these days you find yourself playing your level 4 fighter consistently more than your wizard or cleric. The response to this question would be "level 4"

    Question 2
    Have you ever participated in any DDO Live Events?

    Question 3
    When talking with friends/acquaintances about DDO, what's the first thing you mention to them?
    1. Levamel 14 of course. Silly tolero.

    2. The spontanameous 'Kargon chase the tasty hams around the tavermern' was pretty fun (Mmmm pirate bandamana), Kargon caused bit of a ruckus at that trivia contamest to win stuff (kargon was SURE reward was going to be a Tasty Ham shaped club, but ended up being a silly dress, eew), Kargon got the first wayfindermer sceptamer on Sarlona (had to tell +Sir to turn on 'Accept Trades from playermers!' Silly +Sir), Kargon tried one of those emeramald claw events which just ended up with Kargon kill like 6 guys in green dressames and nothiming else happamen, and kargon sure are forgettaming some other stuff too.

    3. Tasty Ham.

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