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  1. #1
    Community Member Duily's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Default Attention! Attention! Rolov pleads for attention!

    Greetings stormreach! It is I, Rolov the scared, coming here to gain some attention for my oh so special announcement! An announcement that is unprecedented here on these boards, it'll make you gasp and go " oh dearest Rolov! You must not dare do this alone" and I assure you, I wont.

    Now I know I am new to these lands ( AKA DDO) but I can't push away the urge to do this, I just cant! I have tried to oppress it but it just keeps calling out to me! its my calling! Its the reason why I am here!

    To create...a guild! Not just any guild, but OUR guild! People of Thelanis, together we can do magical things! We can create a wonderful guild with all types of players! Old, young, new, vets, monkeys, dinosaurs, just about anyone! We shall all work together for the common goal of all players: To have fun.

    Now after seeing the guilds goal an alarm may go off in your heading saying " but isn't that the goal of all guilds..or at least most that are already established and popular? Why don't I just join those?" And to be honest, I cant answer that. I must leave it up to you, the wonderful people of Thelanis, to join Soul Forge ( the guild name) and find out! Together we can make a great, prosperous guild! A wonderful tight knit group of adventurers that love adventuring. I shall accept all levels! All types, casual, hardcore any type of player!

    There are not many requirements to the guild, just the following:

    1) Have fun
    2) try to help others!
    3) Log in once a month!

    So if you can fill those requirements then your in >

    If you are interested send a tell to Rolov and if I'm not on just send me some mail!

    Together we can make a wonderful guild that'll ( hopefully) accomplish a lot!

    Thank you and good night!

    And BTW: I am a level 5 Dwarf Paladin that usually play weekday nights from 9 - 12 PM EST time and mornings on weekends.

  2. #2
    Community Member Generals's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    /clap Nice plug! =) Welcome!

    Although the name S.F. is GREAT (), pulling at long relationships that people have made is your challenge. Guild ideals and established camaraderies run deep. The diversity of our guilds is part of what makes Thelanis strong.
    Last edited by Generals; 01-27-2008 at 10:36 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Duily's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Yes! We are gaining momentum! our First reply!

  4. #4
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Good luck with the new guild, and welcome to the game.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  5. #5
    Community Member Ringos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Thumbs up

    I'll reply too and say 'Welcome'!

    The previous post about people being settled in with their guilds is probably true, for the most part. There are a variety of guilds out ther...including ones like you have created. Don't let that get in the way of trying to build a great group of your own though. It's very rewarding to bring a group of people together that genuinly enjoy questing together. Good luck!
    Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle

    "You assume that Clay is an ass because he's Legion..." Shyver

  6. #6
    Community Member Uamhas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Welcomewelcome... I have one suggestion, if you want to make of your guild a no-drama funtimes thing... don't blind invite. Have fun!
    Quote Originally Posted by Beol
    AA is a river with currents both of a profound acceptance of individuality and of a certain love for brutal efficiency.
    xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----Xx

  7. #7
    Community Member Vladane's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Welcome and good luck
    Server: Thelanis
    Eleandhra - Valdaen

  8. #8
    Community Member Ministry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Welcome and Good Luck

    I too wish to welcome you to the game and hope for your guild and other goals to be realized.

    Just a couple of quick bits of advice to give you a better chance for success.

    1 - Read as many of the posts in this forum as you can, so you may learn the personalities of the people and the server, to learn what is cool and not, and what works and does not.

    2 - Join a guild first to see what its like to run in a guild on the server. There is much to running your own guild, more than just a nice simple ideology. People want a guild to be like a family, something they can give and receive from. They want a leader that is powerful, strong, knowledgeable, benevolent and fierce.

    3 - Stay cool and neutral for a bit. Observe what happens and try and stay to the shadows for a bit. Watch and Wait for your time. If you try to accomplish too much too quickly you will most likely fail miserably. But, if you don't mind failure, go nuts... have fun... and we'll see ya on the dark side of Thelanis.

  9. #9


    I hate your guild...

    ... ooops wrong thread

    sorry dude, good luck and all
    R e v e n a n t s Renowned

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