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Thread: Weapon Sets

  1. #21
    Community Member spyderwolf's Avatar
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    Default enough for my main

    7 sets is enough for my main twf fighter

    set 1: dual w/p rapiers
    set 2: dual smiting rapiers
    set 3: dual banishing rapiers
    set 4: dual gt disruptors
    set 5: dual holyburst pure good rapiers
    set 6: dual muckbanes
    set 7: dual adoryns malices

    very rarely do i have to swap in other weapons in and then i just use hotbars to do so.

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  2. #22
    Community Member Slap_Happy's Avatar
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    Default What im wonderin

    Now its a game but still what would your char look like if it really showed him carrying 12 sets of weapons i dont think he would fight to well carrying 24 swords so i think we should be happy with the amount of weapon sets we have now

  3. #23
    Community Member The_Ick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spyderwolf View Post
    7 sets is enough for my main twf fighter

    set 1: dual w/p rapiers
    set 2: dual smiting rapiers
    set 3: dual banishing rapiers
    set 4: dual gt disruptors
    set 5: dual holyburst pure good rapiers
    set 6: dual muckbanes
    set 7: dual adoryns malices

    very rarely do i have to swap in other weapons in and then i just use hotbars to do so.
    I wouldn't hate on a few more weapon sets. I keep all the set above, but i also like to keep electric, fire, cold, ghost touch, transmuting, etc... Not the end of the world, but more weapon sets would be a nice feature.

    On a side note but somwhat related, it would be nice to have a couple "full equipment" sets. I am bringing up a battle cleric and I have 2 completely different sets of gloves, helms, armor, rings, etc... that i use for when i am going to be up front fighting and healing vs. when i am sitting in the back just healing. I could really see this being usefull for a couple classes that more or less want to switch play styles either for a quest or for a part of a quest.

    For instance,
    Fighters might have a high DPS set & a High AC set
    Ranger might have a ranged set & a TWF set
    Casters might have a Fire set & a Insta-kill set

    You get the point. I am sure this is a bigger deal (development wise) then just adding a couple more weapons sets, but it was a kind of similiar idea so i figured i would through it out there.

  4. #24
    Community Member Novva's Avatar
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    I don't think we need more slots just another type of Item lock. Have the second lock treat the item as a sheild. That way if you have any weapons with the second item lock activated and put it into your hotbar, when you select it it goes to your off/sheild hand. This way you can have as many weapon sets as you want. Keep your main sets in the slots and add your rarely used sets to your hotbar. I don't think the coding would be hard they already have the coding for the sheild just put that into an item lock. The same kind of thing might also be possible for the second ring slot.

  5. #25
    Community Member
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    I to would like to see more, at least fill across the inventory menu. Some people think they are just empty space and could care less cause their mage now has enough slots or their shield fighter has his shield in one and has 6 unused. I have two characters that fight with two weapons and it is a pain to rearange each time. Think of having only 7 slots for spells that you can cast even though you have a whole book full of spells. Do you customize it for each dungeon? Wizards do to some degree and that is why my spell caster is a sorcerer (among other reasons). Simply put there are players that dont use them because they dont play two weapon fighting. These people dont understand the irritation of having to sort through. Usually you dont do it. So should we not do things for specific class types? Dont worry about thinking about quivers for arrows or pouches for casters reagents since not every player in the game will benefit? The codeing is already their for the slots. They just have to expand it. Please at least give across the inventory screen.

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