Hey crew!
I have decided to get my cleric up. He is going to be healing and smiting based. I have calculated that when the cap comes out I can get all the wisdom, smiting, and healing action points, and most of the mana APs.
Things I need for my cleric:
Tome Pages
I need tome pages 2, 5, and 6. Check trade list in signature for stuff I have.
Really cool looking Brigandine
What can I say, brigandine can be the coolest lookin' armor in the game if you find the right ones.
Things for my cleric's gear setup
Headgeard: Minos Legens (Need 20 taps)
Necklace: +6 Wisdom Necklace (Looted)
Trinket: Head of Good Fortune
Cloak: +4 Resistance (Need one of these)
Belt: +6 Constitution (Need one of these)
Left Hand Ring: Greater False Life (need of of these)
Gloves: Gauntlets of Eternity
Boots: Firestorm Greaves (Need all of them on the server )
Right hand Ring: Ring of the Djinn (Need one of these)
Bracers: Any
Armor: Cool lookin' Brigandine again
Goggles: Blindness Immunity
Everything I need on my setup has 'Need one of these in parenthesis) .
Look at the trade list in my sig for things I have. I have a decent list including +5 MFP, +5 mithral Breastplate, +6 stat items, etc.
Help me get another cleric on Argo!
Thanks in advance!