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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Gameplay Suggestion: Ranged Combat

    A proposal to make ranged combat feel more exciting and "real:"

    Click and hold to draw the bowstring, release the button to release the arrow. Oblivion and other games use this format. Also, players should be required to have the target creature within the crosshairs to score a hit. Holding back the bowstring for a longer time could increase damage.

    Since this isn't technically a D&D Rule, and undoubtedly, some players will not like this feature, it could be a feature that could be enabled as the player prefers.

    Also, the sound effects for shooting arrows aren't particularly satisfying. The little "swish" sounds feels wimpy. There should be a little "twang" sound too, as long as it isn't overpowering.

    Thanks for reading!


    Brent Kim
    3D Digital Artist
    Big Huge Games, Stainless Steel Studios

  2. #2
    Community Member ChildrenofBodom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by BrentForest View Post
    A proposal to make ranged combat feel more exciting and "real:"

    Click and hold to draw the bowstring, release the button to release the arrow. Oblivion and other games use this format. Also, players should be required to have the target creature within the crosshairs to score a hit. Holding back the bowstring for a longer time could increase damage.

    Since this isn't technically a D&D Rule, and undoubtedly, some players will not like this feature, it could be a feature that could be enabled as the player prefers.

    Also, the sound effects for shooting arrows aren't particularly satisfying. The little "swish" sounds feels wimpy. There should be a little "twang" sound too, as long as it isn't overpowering.

    Thanks for reading!


    Brent Kim
    3D Digital Artist
    Big Huge Games, Stainless Steel Studios
    I do like the ideas, but they will not work well in DDO. In DDO the monsters move a lot faster compared to the monsters in Oblivion. So it would be hard to aim, and plus lag would make this very difficult.

    I like that the game pulls the bowstring for you. I think if you had to do it manually it would make ranged attacks slower, making ranged combat fall behind even more then it already is.

    I just want quivers!
    Quote Originally Posted by Handee
    You are the king of Delayed Blast Fireball.

  3. #3
    Community Member slumbering_dragon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    i am goign to have ot say no on the first part, rember that the mobs have to do the same thing ni combat that we do, target. the sound effects would be nice change tho. i like the range system the way it is but the speed to which ranged combat is slowed down. i know on my wizy and fighter i just run back and fourth in a striaght line to avoid the arrows, some people ask for a near garente hit but then they would to. just keep it the sme as it is.

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