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  1. #1
    Community Member Allasar's Avatar
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    Default 2 Development Requests

    Two things I would love to see implemented that would make life easier in DDO, one pretty straightforward (I won't say simple), the other more complex:

    1. A "Loot All" button on chests. This button would allow you to take all items that are assigned to you in the chest, starting from the top down. Iterate over the collection of items and if inventory is full, stop at that point and display a warning message (standard "Inventory is full" alert would do fine).

    2. Multiple equipment sets (think weapon sets but for everything else). One of my biggest pet peeves in the game is having to sort through my inventory to find that deathblock or underwater action item and then juggling the rest of my worn items to try to optimize my skills and abilities. Equipment sets would allow you to set up different equipment configurations which could then be called either from the hotbar or by clicking a button on the inventory screen. Add buttons to the Inventory screen for the equipment sets which, when clicked show a different paper doll and allow you to place items on it as current. I can see some issues with implementation, like overflowing inventory during the switch and having the same item on two different equipment sets, but that could be dealth with by requiring that all items be removed when setting up an equipment set (this would be something typically only done in town anyway).

    I think even imposing a slight delay while the equipment is put on would be acceptable (it would still be faster than current), although it could be mitigated by the quickdraw feat.

    Just some thoughts - would love feedback

  2. #2
    Community Member JD2134's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allasar View Post

    2. Multiple equipment sets (think weapon sets but for everything else). One of my biggest pet peeves in the game is having to sort through my inventory to find that deathblock or underwater action item and then juggling the rest of my worn items to try to optimize my skills and abilities. Equipment sets would allow you to set up different equipment configurations which could then be called either from the hotbar or by clicking a button on the inventory screen. Add buttons to the Inventory screen for the equipment sets which, when clicked show a different paper doll and allow you to place items on it as current. I can see some issues with implementation, like overflowing inventory during the switch and having the same item on two different equipment sets, but that could be dealth with by requiring that all items be removed when setting up an equipment set (this would be something typically only done in town anyway).

    I think even imposing a slight delay while the equipment is put on would be acceptable (it would still be faster than current), although it could be mitigated by the quickdraw feat.

    Just some thoughts - would love feedback

    HUUuum I dont understand. When my toons need a underwater item i simple put it on using the toolbar. and when im done swimming i switch back out. As for deathblock, i simple put on the flesh render googles hit the deathward clickie and im done. Or a nice cleric or pallie cast the spell on me. So I dont see the need for this. And it would only serve to muddle up the chara sheet. And the last thing i would want is to hit my swim gear button that strips me naked to my underwater action item only while ffighting a raid boss

  3. #3
    Community Member Allasar's Avatar
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    The issue is probably more stat items, for me at least. Let's say I've got a +6 cha cloak on my bard, but I also have a +4 resistance cloak. There are times when I want that +4 resistance, but don't want to lose that +6 to Cha, so I then need to put on the +4 Cha helm, but in doing that, I lose the Wiz III helm that I've got, which means I want to put on my Wiz II trinket to try to keep my mana up for buffing. I've sacrificed 2 points of Charisma and 25 sp in downgrading Wiz items, but I've picked up a couple of points in my saves. By having presets, I can click once to put that stuff in place and then click again when I want to go back to the original set.

  4. #4
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    The first idea is a no-brainer. That would simply be nice, that way I dont have to look at each gem as I loot it.

    The second one is an excellent idea. An equipment set button. Hit this button and I have just equipped all my items for fighting mind flayers....hit this one and Ive got my red named fighting gear on. Very nice idea, but I dont think it'll ever happen. Id imagine it would take alot to impliment, and we're really not that put-out the way it is now.

    Still, **** good idea IMO.
    Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ Yndrofian
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

  5. #5
    Community Member Alizar's Avatar
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    Default deathblock

    Quote Originally Posted by JD2134 View Post
    HUUuum I dont understand. When my toons need a underwater item i simple put it on using the toolbar. and when im done swimming i switch back out. As for deathblock, i simple put on the flesh render googles hit the deathward clickie and im done. Or a nice cleric or pallie cast the spell on me. So I dont see the need for this. And it would only serve to muddle up the chara sheet. And the last thing i would want is to hit my swim gear button that strips me naked to my underwater action item only while ffighting a raid boss
    Hate to be picky here but deathblock isn't the same as deathward. The visors from tangleroot give you deathward for 8min. Deathward protects you from negative energy drains while deathblock protects you from insta kill spells.

  6. #6
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Except for the first idea I do not think they could come up with enough sets for me to utilize inplace of using the toolbars to switch items for combinations,

    Last edited by Emili; 01-26-2008 at 11:18 AM.
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