Not sure how to best incorporate Mod 6 changed into this character. Months ago, before any Mod 6 stuff was announced, I started a STR-based Elf intended to 2WF longswords. (Partially due to a stretch of looting and banking good longswords with no other char to use them.) To make up for some of the melee gaps between Dwarves and everyone else, I decided to splash Paladin, which besides the AC/Save bonuses also adds another longsword Enh to stack with the Elven ones. I had planned on an eventual 12Ra/4Pal split. Stats:

STR 17 (figured I could live without 18 given +3 to hit in Longswords enhancemnts.)
DEX 16 +1 tome before 6th to pick up Imp 2WF
CON 12 (where you notice not beign a Dwarf...)
INT 8 (dump stat as Rangers get enough skill pts)
WIS 11 (ya it's low but my first ranger started with 10 and I'm ok with it.)
CHA 12 goes to 20 with Tome, Pal Enh, and +6 ring for Pal bonuses

I'd already leveled him up to 6th a few months ago, then put him on hold then while I capped a tank and leveled up a cleric. Just now getting back to him. As he stands this is the level progression and feats at 6th:

1st Ranger / Toughness
2nd Ranger / 2WF (class-granted)
3rd Paladin / Weap Focus
4th Paladin / -
5th Paladin / -
6th Paladin / Imp 2WF (Shard to ______ @10th when gained as class-granted)

The following was the inteded before Mod 6 continuation, with non-weapon feats ommitted:

7th Ranger / -
8th Ranger / -
9th Ranger / Imp Crit: Slash
10th Ranger / Imp 2WF
11th Ranger / -
12th Ranger / Gr 2WF (Shard to ______ @15th when gained as class-granted)
13th Ranger / -
14th Ranger / -
15th Ranger / Gr 2WF (class-granted) / lvl 15 feat: ______
16th Ranger / -

But now with Mod 6, the big question is whether or not to go Tempest. I've never been a fan of the whole dodge/mobility/spring attack line, it's always seemed a lot of feats for little gain. But I don't what the exact benefits of Tempest are to decide if it's worth burning 3 feats on. With or without Tempest, Oversized 2WF seems nice and and Ram's Might is a great spell addition.

If this is a good build candidate for Tempest, can someone recommend a feat seqeunce? I don't mind visiting Fred as often as necessary. Can I finish out Ranger or would I need a F level at some point? If not tempest, any other feat recommendations? Appreciate any suggestions from those up on Mod 6 ranger stuff as I haven't had a lot of time to look into it. Thanks.